
Sure, but again . . they have an 800-year head start. So if you look at how long it took them to apologize . . . just sayin’.

Yeah . . . I don’t feel like anyone English gets to make scathing comments about U.S. history with native populations. In the interest of truthiness and all.

So we’re gonna start seeing YouTube videos of YouTubers playing versions of themselves making YouTube videos to release on YouTube. All on YouTube.

You were definitely double billed. I just assume that it happens, because there’s no fucking way that any legitimate system could spit out that much bullshit with a straight face. It’s too confusing for the individual who was personally involved to follow what is being billed - there’s no way you’ll convince me that a

I fell a few weeks ago and ended up getting 11 stitches in my arm in the ER. When I got my first EOB, they had billed the insurance for about $2,900, which reduced with the insurance-negotiated rates down to $634 that I would owe. I figured that wasn’t too bad, but then received additional EOBs from the same visit as

I just started watching The 100 after my sister recommended it. But it seems, based on your description and what I know about the show second-hand, that Clarke’s narrative coming out is actually done decently. If you looked at my past relationships as they were happening you would assume I was straight until all of a

I’m not complaining about the LGBT (or is it LGBQT? I dunno...I always thought “queer” was a slur, but apparently, some people want to be known as that? I’ll just stick with LGBT and avoid the possible slur) community getting representation in shows now. That said, can we stop making it be a thing that EVERY show has

Just gals being pals.

Ewww quit putting Jared Leto in things Hollywood.

I liked the cliffhanger, and I’m not ashamed to say it.

This looked bloody amazing until you showed the actual in-game screenshots...

Minecraft already runs about as fast as a tree sloth. Shaders can make it unplayable if you have even a few mobs within the same chunk.

once you remove all the shaders it looks ugly..thats the problem with these “beautiful” creations it only looks good if you have the shader

No, you don’t understand. Proofreading is NOT a job requirement when working for Gawker Media.

it automatically cycles power to your router and modem until the internet returns.

That would be great for the 0.01% of cases in which my internet dropouts are a router problem and not just Time Warner Cable’s crappy infrastructure going on the blink again.

Richard Armitage, no less, brought the most imposing Red Dragon to screen. Tom Noonan had the creep factor down amazingly well, and Ralph Fiennes did bring the physical intensity to it...but Armitage blended both well.

And then? Nastralius would have to charge a fee as well. If it was nominal, and also an “officially sanctioned” server, people could legall play WoW for less than WoW’s official, up-to-date servers. Blizzard would be afraid that this would get people paying the premium for official WoW to trade down to the nominal fee

You do not understand intellectual property law.

Here’s the thing about stuff like intellectual property in the US. From what I understand, you are, by law, obligated to protect your property even if you are actually okay with how it’s being used.