
“Reminder: Rudyard Kipling Was a Racist Fuck and The Jungle Book Is Imperialist Garbage.”

What do you mean you can’t remember the plot of Fengul..err...Pocaha....err..Atlant.....err Dances wi.....Avatar?

Does anyone even care about this movie anymore (besides Cameron)?

What’s the movie equivalent of vaporware?

Oh how dare Blizzard shut down a server that blatantly violated their terms and services and basically constituted as stealing a service from them.

Last time I saw such a gigantic wave of shit destroy a city, donald trump was in town.

I totally read that in Trump’s voice and now I’m laughing like an idiot.


There’s no conspiracy, you can chalk it up to the same nonsense that people post about marijuana curing cancer. As somebody else pointed out, cancer is not a single disease that could be eradicated with a single cure. Cancer mutations are highly complex and unique, and the very nature of the disease - the rapidly

What’s your opinion on whether the cure for cancer does exist but is supposedly kept in wraps from big pharma?

I actually got a chuckle out of that. Thanks!

The hackers couldn’t get hired due to background checks and drug tests. But are undoubtedly the best at the job... a good reason to get rid of those background checks and drug tests for these kinds of positions.

Because the guys that can get hired by the feds aren't as skilled as the guys that can't or are disinterested in working for the same org.

Let’s assume they state that legacy servers are going to be a thing.

That’s not necessarily a lie. No company I’ve worked at would actively archive an entire codebase / DB snapshot at a certain point.

I was really surprised at how much the music tugged at my nostalgia strings. I actually remember thinking a long time ago how there wasn’t any type of KH game on mobile yet, and I was probably describing this.

God, Alienware is the worst. Just give me a sleek, simple case design without a ton of random lights or clear panels, and more than proper cooling.

I think the problem with the cases is that it’s drawing attention to the case. I don’t care about the case so much as what’s in it. So that being the deal, I want a case

This has to be the ugliest laptop I’ve ever seen though.

I like that she subverts the whole Bride of Frankenstein idea. She is the true monster and she relishes it.

Billie's turn last season was fantastic. She plays the villain so well.