
That list is not complete. That’s a partial curated list from Palo Alto Networks, compiled from apps that were either checked manually, or from companies that put out statements. However, another security firm (Qihoo360 Technology Co) said it’s found at least 344 apps that were infected with XCodeGhost. Since we don’t

I’m not sure if anyone else has noticed this or not... but with the advancement of printing technology... it seems like the font sizes on packages becomes smaller and smaller. Even with perfect vision someone would be “hard-pressed” to be able to read the tiny print nowadays.

These ‘debates’ are a waste of airtime. Wolf Blitzer combing his beard for three hours (which I am sure he does daily) would be more informative.

I was in your shoes and lasted five minutes. I realized listening to them would cause an aneurism so I stopped, ate a cookie and watched futurama.

has to do with whether you have files saved on the root level of your iCloud drive. if not, no offer.

I feel like most apps have that as their default?

i wish they gave us an option like this for all the built in apps.

No. Just, no. And, did I mention? NO, NO, NO.

“Hey man, can I borrow five bucks?”

Collect Interest? On a loan to a friend? Seriously?

Something I’ve always had to do at social functions, too. Even at family things where I know I’m safe, I still have to take short breaks away from the group to re-center myself. I used to get down on myself for it but I finally came to accept that it’s what I need to do.

I know the feeling. If it’s more than 5 people, I start to feel extremely uncomfortable, and if it’s 5 people for hours and hours, I’m also uncomfortable. I’ve learned to handle huge crowds (dragon con after all) but I still have to take breaks into quiet rooms every once in a while to ward of an attack. That’s why

Lavender? I wonder if that’s my problem, or part of it. Just for a change, I’ve been using a lavender-scented lysol spray.

I’ve only just started to accept my own needs to isolate a lot during gatherings. In the past, I didn’t really understand why I needed the space when others didn’t, and I felt rejected, abnormal, and confused.

I am right there with you. I’ve been married for over fifteen years now, and my wife still doesn’t understand why I occasionally disappear for a few minutes when we have many guests over.

You can put vinegar in the “Fabric Softener” cup and your machine will do it for you! Though I love the detergent you highlight here, too.

Even better tip....grill in the winter!!