
We’ve always gotten great produce from ALDI. We’ve also purchased cartons of strawberries from Jewel and Trader Joe’s that have already had mold by the time we got them home.

You know it’s bad when my local 7-11 is better than the local Aldi,

Agreed, Aldi around here the meat and produce is a joke. Wilted lettuce for only $0.05 cheaper than a high end supermarket fresh off the truck stuff.

For me, sweet, frothy Frappuccinos and caramel macchiatos from Starbucks were my gateway coffee. I didn't like coffee until I tried those drinks in high school. After college, in an effort to be healthier, I started drinking lattes, and after that, in an effort to be more frugal, I cut back to regular drip coffee with

I would love to love unsweetened iced tea of all colors but alas, I do not. Too bitter. I take my black tea Builders' style, too: cream, sugar, lots.

The Japanese love sweet green tea flavored things. Green tea ice cream is seriously delicious.

Agreed, a crossover between the two is wildly unlikely. They exist in two utterly disparate genres and have vastly different attitudes towards their storylines.

you're in for some surprise, then. it's get dark, like *really* dark, and I don't think what will happen has never been depicted on TV yet.

Get it right: He's MonBeast McSexyKilt.

Well seeing as its a fascinating show with far more depth than you've ever given it credit for perhaps it's just not for you.

Don't forget Knobthrust McGroinkilt.

All of my sadness. I don't know that it 'suddenly' got interesting, but it suddenly got meatier peachier- the narrative was getting tighter and the mysteries were starting to form a cohesive serialization.

Totally true, but I've actually read interesting research finding that a woman's body does impact the baby's gender, in a very roundabout way. Boy fetuses tend to be a bit weaker and more fragile than girl fetuses, so they tend to need more resources from mom. So, for example, during times of famine, when the

Well, technically it has nothing to do with her eggs. It's entirely his fault! :P

The CW is killing it. Killing. It. Seriously, my wife and I have come to the realization that it is the best network on TV for nerd/geek drama (nerdrama?). Between The 100, Arrow, The Flash, and now iZombie (OHMYGOD that was fantastic) - there's no other network that's even close on our "must see" list. And this

But I *WAS* watching and I agree, it is awesome.

The thing is, if you're emotionally hungry, you're not going to listen to your brain talking about whether you'd eat broccoli.

I can say with absolute certainty that if this were attempted at the tech company I'm at, you'd piss more people off than you'd impress. We're outstanding at fixing things, we want to get people up and running, I don't have time to fix your career when I'm on the clock. I'd be much more willing to help someone out who

This is sarcastic, right? If someone did this, I would be looking for the first chance to hang up.

Regarding the password checker, I would be wary of entering my password into a site which may, or may not, be caching passwords. That awesome password you spent a week coming up with that the site claims will take them 100 million years to crack? Guess what....