
NBC has been the Peacock Network for decades. I don’t think there was much snickering or hilarity in the meeting that decided their streaming service identity. Labeling it Peacock is just a further extension of an identity they’ve been curating for years.

Spend all their money on old TV shows that nobody watches anymore?

That’s what I keep telling myself too. Except comfy chairs and donuts.

But.... You also have to be motivated enough to work out in your house instead of staying in bed longer.

I’ve found that pointing out yearly subscription costs is a great way to dissuade those who tend to frame things in “It’s only $X a month!”.

Oh you sweet summer child...

Makes sense that Blizzard wouldn’t re-introduce more work for themselves. And hey, there’s always the 7 hours of trying to kill Core Hounds to make a person remember the things they really, really, really hated about vanilla World of Warcraft.

I let my WoW sub expire over a year ago so I’m not in the loop but... does WoW Classic also bring a return to the 8+ hour maintenance window or does it get to benefit from all the server and database improvements made over 15 years?

I get what I’m supposed to think: Evil Billionaire Responsible for Death of Journalism. But I’m not sure how I’m supposed to connect those dots...

I honestly would not read anything into this interview, it’s 100% corporate fluff. Of course he’s confident. Why would Sony admit at all that stepping away from their success with Disney might have been anything less than the best move for Sony ever imaginable can I get a Hallelujah Amen!

I’m not sure religion is the answer to “How to stop violence”. And let’s be clear here, when this guy says ‘faith’ or ‘religion’ what he really means is Christianity, with an additional caveat that anything else is wrong.

I’m not sure religion is the answer to “How to stop violence”. And let’s be clear here, when this guy says ‘faith’ or ‘religion’ what he really means is Christianity, with an additional caveat that anything else is wrong.

Karen don’t you have a PTA meeting to go to or a Starbucks manager to complain to because your double mocha whip extra foam wasn’t made to your exact specifications?

Again, as “NoOnesPost” wrote, it’s not about the TSA agents or the dogs, it’s about other passengers freaking out and causing hysteria and problems in the airport.

The flaw with your comment is reading my comment as though it were literally about bringing a gun through airport security when it’s pretty clear that I’m making fun of the ridiculous argument that the Galaxy ‘s Edge soda bottle resembles an explosive device enough that someone could reasonably be mistaken.

just to improve the appearance of security

“Clearly still drunk” sort of contradicts the argument that he was sent home for being hungover.

Lord have mercy the human race cannot be this obtuse...

Nice straw man you got there friend. I’d argue that purposefully modifying a NERF gun to more realistically resemble an actual weapon sort of walks straight past the whole discussion we were having.