
Nostalgia is not a good reason to mangle a character.

Our godson is in that bartering stage... ‘just 1 more...’ or ‘but if I could...’ The approach my husband is to set ground-rules before whatever activity occurs, and then we stick to them.

You’re correct. It was apparently a point of contention back when the animated film was created.  I guess she was originally supposed to be blonde but ‘Splash’ came out before and they didn’t want anyone to compare the two mermaids.

Why on earth would they feel compelled to have the hair color/style match? All they’d be saying is that skin color doesn’t matter but hair color absolutely does?

They might not. But I suspect that they are going to want to pay homage to the animated film where possible. And it’s not exactly like the red hair looks awkward or out of place.

Unfortunately I’ve not yet had an opportunity to watch Broadchurch. A quick IMDB search suggests I’ve seen her in the short film ‘Roar’ and an episode of Black Mirror - only just started the latter and so I do recall that character.

Quick messy photoshop to correct her hair color now that she’s Ariel. 

You could almost say it was like she was... Doctor... Who?

I’ve no other exposure to Jodie Whittaker outside her role as the current Doctor, so I don’t know if the mix of Tennant / Smith vibes were a choice or just her general personality. I liked it though... felt like a good mix of my two favorites with a dash of Capaldi to lend a sense of gravitas.

Yeah that article describes Microsoft recommending a company they had side deals with and doesn’t really clarify what ‘move their playlists’ means so I’m guessing literally transitioning a curated song list like 800 different browser extensions do between Spotify and Pandora.

Users will automatically get refunded to whatever account they have on file, but if your credit card has expired or you don’t have a payment method stored with the company, Microsoft will give you a credit that can be used online in the Microsoft Store.

A friend gifted us this crappy Netgear wifi-extender a couple years back, the kind that plugs into a wall outlet and just creates a ‘_EXT’ copy of your network. We use it to trick our PS4 into thinking it has a wired connection.

Years ago we took a vacation down to Florida - it’s an 18 hour drive so I brought plenty of reading material; over a dozen books of varying sizes. Lugging around 40+ pounds of reading material was enough to make me appreciate the benefits of an e-reader.

Now playing

As someone whose technological ecosystem is almost entirely Apple... I am relieved. I dread Apple events that involve a video where Ive speaks pretentiously about his design process. Ive’s is the human equivalent of the Project Runway ‘Blood Orange’ meme.

You call it a very weird solution... I call it an excellent one.

Personally I am glad that people are realizing that someone who says nice things and seems very likable isn’t qualified for president for saying nice things and seeming very likable.

Not at all. I just refuse to let go of holding Splinter and other blogs that purport to be reliable sources of news and information to some standard of what ‘reliable’ ought to be.

That’s very true, but also very easy to fix!

This article is making some assumptive leaps that you don’t find in the New York Times article; mainly creating the sense of a correlation between their deaths and accusations of border patrol agents maliciously sabotaging life-saving water supplies.

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