
Silly bears just can’t stay out of a honeypot. smh

Avatar did the same for me.

Dances With Wolves taught me that shitty white people make the best Native Americans

When people would throw out the tired saying, “money is the root of all evil”, I used to silently judge them and think that they just had no idea what it was like to be poor. This whole saga has made me reconsider that rationale, as I clearly have no idea what it’s like to be that corrupted and evil. The only thing

The openness with which they operate so hideously - avoiding a paper trail, no written report, paying settlements - is proof that this whole thing is just ‘the cost of doing business’ to them. Like a bullet list “we need new helmets, a popcorn machine for the locker room, new pipes in the shower room, pay off a

What’s especially useful about you guys is that you make it so easy to spot you.

Hey hey, whoa now. Calling neo-nazis “Fecal-Americans” is a disservice to fecal matter. Manure is actually beneficial to the world.

I worked at a daycare for a summer job one year. Got a teacher fired cos she smacked a kid and then said that no one would tell because “we’re all teachers” and wouldn’t rat her out. 

I had a teacher like that. Unfortunately we didn’t have cellphones back then. Hope that hateful bitch is long dead. (Never learned shit in her class, either.)

You can talk like that in private if you want, it just means you’re a piece of shit. And if it ends up somehow, someday being not private you will then have the opportunity to face the music for being a piece of shit.

You see a bunch of nasty texts, I see Trump’s second term cabinet discussing socio-economic policies.

That’s the thing about every Clinton “revelation”: I find out something that makes me uncomfortable or leave a bad taste in my mouth, and then I remember that the other side is doing shit a thousand times worse and it’s hard to give a shit about Clinton anymore.


Thanks for the input Mr Lewandowski.


This was a great show and it is a miracle it lasted as long as it did on CBS. I think the reason it survived is it started as a fairly generic, but well done, procedural with a gimmick (bread and butter for CBS) and only got deeply into the near future sci fi elements once it had built an audience.

What has Mercy ever done for this country? She’s not even American. Runs around, healing, which I’m told is “support”, I don’t buy it. Can’t even shoot rockets. Sad!

This has gone beyond “not liking” the guy.

Summarizing the reasons provided above for why this makes sense as “not liking him” is reductive bullshit. Those are facts, not feelings.

Burning seems harsh. Can’t we first just toss him in a lake and see if he floats?