It’s a good idea, but Valerie Harper wasn’t a producer/creator of “Valerie”, therefore expendable. Roseanne Barr would’ve just been collecting checks.
It’s a good idea, but Valerie Harper wasn’t a producer/creator of “Valerie”, therefore expendable. Roseanne Barr would’ve just been collecting checks.
“The anti-racists called us racists so it’s their fault we’re racists”
I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.
Sadly, he is living personification of what some people envision when they disdainfully imagine “geek fanboy who never grew up.”
I first checked out that site when they announced Fellowship of the Ring. I bailed years ago. His unreadable reviews and flat-out fucking creepy use the of the word *giggle* were really off-putting. Sadly, he is living personification of what some people envision when they disdainfully imagine “geek fanboy who never…
I don’t recall anyone in this thread saying it was disrespectful for fans to stand.
My toddlers are really into dinosaurs, so they watch a lot of the Land Before Time movies.
When the lights are off, unload your gun.
Anyone who casually says “go take your sandy vag” simply CANNOT be a sleazy dude. You don’t come off that way AT ALL with your casual racism and willful ignorance against the history of a word.
So the takeaway is that they changed it, got it
“Overwatch fans are losing it over a character who has barely appeared”
For real. Yesterday someone on MSNBC was talking to a man from the national guard, they were broadcasting the call. The reporter asked if the national guard guy had any important messages to convey- his answer was, “DON’T SHOOT. If people are in stores taking food and supplies, they are in survival mode, and we’re…
Yeah, please fuck off forever. I’ve lived through catastrophic natural disasters. People need to eat and drink clean water. Christ, go jerk yourself off with Atlas Shrugged again, you wretched piece of shit.
Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.
Typical of a Llama to spit in the face of victims.
Or maybe, just maybe, the entire world functions like that and your parents just did a shit job of emotionally educating you.
Spoiler: The above is true.
“We’re here in North America to present our new game: Yakuza Kiwami!
I hope one of the twin towers doesn’t fall down on us! Hahaha.”
I’ve seen, and more importantly, own a lot of bad fighting games. Some are so goofy that it’s worth getting others to play.
I’m old so the twitter confuses me, but I clearly need to start paying attention to black twitter. Those burns are quality.
Coming from the guy who designed blue cat people to be as fuckable as possible?