
FINALLY! It’s about damn time an old white dude with a mustache publicly moralized about how things should be.

Every single one of these cowards knew EXACTLY what Trump was when they endorsed him.

I don’t think anyone wants your sympathy, but thanks for your super hot take.

The band members were free to make their statement. The station owner is free to make his decision. And we’re free to say he’s a dumbass.

These are not negative consequences for the band members. I can’t think of any reason why the band members would give a flying fuck that the game they will be attending as band members won’t be carried on the radio. The macho posturing of the station that they are teaching consequences to these students, and the

Christ, the stupid...

Protest quietly early in the morning before the game? So in other words do something that is not a protest?

If only there was some kind of illegal radio station that ECU could employ...

if it gets them to stop playing anthem at sporting events, then I put it in the win column

Sounds more appealing than “Lettuce Leaves”

It brings in a lot of traffic, including people who click on it and then leave a comment about it getting covered too much :P

They will clearly decide to fire Tiffany.

Sorry, if you publicly support a white supremecist, I’m not obligated to continue a partnership with you.

It’s not a witch hunt when someone is literally talking about something awful and then trying to walk it back by suggesting he’s just a different kind of awful.

Companies are allowed to make whatever decision they want, based on whatever information they have. Obviously excluding any illegal discrimination. But they aren’t obligated to make a product for Oculus if they decide they don’t want to.

Yeah it’s not a difference of opinion to declare all muslims are terrorists or all Mexicans are rapists. That’s a matter of being a f***ing asshole. And the fact that a potential US President is saying that, is haunting.

The genre is referred to as AG Racing, which stands for anti-gravity. But sure, let’s continue argue over shit for no reason.

¡Muy Am-bien!

Step 1: Register a burner called ‘SJWarrior’
Step 2: Never learn how to properly type English
Step 3: Straw man argument
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit

You might not be an asshole for not disliking Trump; you’re probably an asshole for liking him though, and considering how much and how easily and freely he lies, you’re definitely an idiot too.