
Why do you feel sorry for the dealership? They were allegedly assholes to this customer and the will lose future business because of it.

I’d almost have more respect for the racist crowd if they’d just own the fact that they’re racist. Instead, they want to “pussy” out, to channel Clint, and pretend that what they’re doing and saying isn’t wrong.

I think Brazil has enough to worry about rn

This is a very bad take.

I know America’s wang still has a Republican Secretary of State.

Any Bernie Bro who saw Mike Pence’s speech and still plans on voting Jill Stein or writing in Bernie is a Goddamn coward.

fuck em! There are plenty of hours in the day to have fun. And there are thousands of people in those apartment buildings trying to get sleep before work/school.

The odd thing is that “Black Lives Matter” are actually saying “all lives Matter.” Case in point 19 year old, unarmed, white, Dylan Noble is shot four times and killed by police (over a 1:20 period of time [very long from beginning to end for an unarmed shooting]).
Who shows up to protest the police violence and demand

Just keep in mind that when someone says “all lives matter,” they aren’t talking about Syrian refugees or domestic violence or vaccinations or the death penalty or drunk driving or even abortions. It is explicitly and solely a rebuttal to those who insist that Black Lives actually do Matter.

To every complete fucking moron who thinks BLM is inherently saying that lives of any other ethnicity don’t, or that black folks should focus on black on black crime: the problem is that cops, the people whose slogan is “to protect and serve,” are removing the right to a fair trial and proceeding to the execution.

So many (white) people assume there’s a silent “only” at the beginning when it’s really a silent “too” at the end.

For all the people who need an explanation on why “All lives matter” is racist: It is a direct refutation of the Black Lives Matter protest movement, which is not claiming black supremacy, but instead an implicit acknowledgment that black lives (also) matter.

You are seriously underestimating what black people feel afraid of.

That is actually a huge relief to me. I was concerned that a legit publishing house agreed to print that crap.

I like how Gremlin Dorito eating Moutain Dew drinking D.VA cosplay has become more popular than regular D.VA cosplay.

I don’t think it’s insulting at all, and it is more tragic. They barely got a chance to live their lives before it was taken from them.

I worked in Baghdad (development aid worker) for a few years, and these sorts of bombings with high death tolls were relatively commonplace. By the time I left, they were increasingly rare, and I truly believe as I boarded my last flight out of Iraq that things were on the upswing. My then-boyfriend (now husband) and

I have wished more than once that victims of these sorts of attacks in Muslim-majority countries would get the same coverage that we give to victims of domestic terror attacks. Show us their pictures. Tell us their names and their stories. Let us cry over these murdered children the way we cried over the murdered

This is.. I don’t know how to describe it.. But my respect to Blizzard as a company just went up a lot.

OP is simply in for a world of hurt. He’s home schooled, sheltered and comes from an fundamentalist background. His friend is free to roam the world, engage it and grow. He’s hanging onto antiquated ideals that don’t work well in the real world. Sex before marriage is a good idea. Many Christians make a big deal that