
Hey, it’s his dad!

I didn’t post his details, I posted his name, which is already all over the internet.

The only acceptable outcome is that the 8 uninjured players beat the snot out of this guy while the coaches make sure nobody leaves the bench areas.

So is anyone here surprised that this this kid, whose name is Nathan Rempe, is a Trump supporter who posted all kinds of racist shit about the NFL protests?

Don’t know why there’s much mystery about whether a kid like that to get ejected. Seems like a pretty black and white situation.

He can’t be a thug, to light. So that leaves he’s just mentally ill

Let’s kick it over to “Je-waterMELEon-Hill”

I’ve got five bucks saying this was it.

Berman leaves a slime trail of cholesterol everywhere he slithers.

The hardest part of any language to learn is puns and idioms.

Found a picture of the suspects:

It certainly seemed that Mourinho may have been intolerant because his squad lacked-toes yesterday.


Odd: usually Jose is throwing salt.

The only target Lukaku hit yesterday.

The Special One Percent

Cats are just not that great.

Until other proof surfaces I will continue to believe that Russ is the reason Durant wanted out of OKC.

Is there any doubt that most of Russ’s teammates hate him after watching that?

Razor. Westbrook needs a good razor.

If this were hockey I’d be impatient for the upcoming fight. When they call out a guy, it means gloves are getting dropped.