
Isn’t losing DESPITE a sophisticated doping program even worse than losing fair and square?

Sick reference, Bro. Your references are out of control. Everyone knows that

Too soon, man. Too soon

Is diabetes something like having “the sugars”?

You should totally be Trump’s press secretary

Ditto on all your statements. I think Trainwreck was pretty damn funny.

In the sense that they voluntarily perform a function for the university in exchange for attending college tuition free: yes.

Are you saying that Drew is so fat that you can see him breaking out in hives from there?

He’s better at life than us. Just ask him, he’ll tell you.

Even on this site, there just aren’t enough people old enough to get the reference. It was brilliant though!

If you were Douglas’ knees you would deserve every injury that might be inflicted upon you. That was a chicken shit hit he put on the DB

Man, I hear you. I try to make myself feel better by imagining there’s a MEDIAN level of asshole-ness. I find it somewhat comforting to think that 50% of Americans would be better than that.

yep...fuck that guy.

How will you know we live in America? Let me count some of the ways

If it’s jacking off for males....shouldn’t it be jilling off for females?

I did NAZI that one coming

Newly nominated Minister of Boxing in the Trump administration.

Hell or High Water is a very good movie. I’ll check out your other recommendations ASAP. Thanks!

Every KU KLUX KLAN begins with K

Perfect SAT scores all of them and that’s the best they can do with that display?