RJ's Lotus Blossom

You cant talk about ANYTHING in America without being attacked. I cant believe how some of the most innocuous comments I make on here generate such intense drama. And lets not even go to when I take a stand on something. All bets are off. Its like having an opinion is a grave insult to anyone who has the opposite

Have you ever watched Fox? Not the news, but the network? They, IMO, are on the edgier side of Network television. Also, FX and FXX, Fox subsidiaries are very edgy (by cable standards). You're the Worst, Legit, Always Sunny, Louie, Nip Tuck, Rescue Me, etc all broach topics most cable networks don't touch on. Their

I guess it made sense for me as a turning point for Miranda's character - a step toward recognizing that she probably wasn't going to have a life that proceeded along the career, then marriage, then children path and that this pregnancy might be closer to what she wants than other available options. I think both she

But the point remains the same - if she isn't interested in addressing the topic, why should she have to?

But you're still casting disappointment over her choice not to discuss it. Like if she's letting you down because she's not cranking the feminism up to 11. Mindy kailing doesn't give a shit about your uterus.

Not all gynecologists perform abortions. How would you suggest that the issue be brought up on her show? By her character referring another character to an abortion clinic? By her character discussing the options that an unsure pregnant woman may have available to her? Those are perfectly valid ways to bring it up,

Don't mistake FOX the network with being the same as FOXNews. FOX as a network tends to be pretty lax in its standards.

The show only tangentially has anything to do with their work as doctors. It's all about the characters, not the practice. It rarely features patients. I don't think it makes sense to suddenly focus on abortion or any other medical procedure, in that context.

I think we can all agree that The Mindy Project isn't the same kind of sitcom as M*A*S*H, All in the Family or even Dinosaurs.

Considering her sitcom is on Fox, not exactly a bastion of forward-thinking, I really doubt that an episode that tackled abortion would make it past the higher-ups. It's also possible that if she even managed to write it into the show and get it approved, it would have to be done so in a way that would be demeaning to

If Mindy Kahling doesn't want to take on abortion in her show? Her sandbox, her preferences.

All the tv show references to abortion story lines didn't exactly turn out 'fine' - they garnered a lot of attention and criticism from the right wing (although personally, I think all of them handled the topic excellently). It's Mindy Kaling's show - she runs it, she writes it, and she stars in it. If she personally

Maybe it's too serious ... for Mindy Kaling? Maybe she's not ready/able/willing to be the poster girl for all WoC in the media and also receive the kind of flack that's guaranteed to come with such a fraught topic? (Hasn't she also gotten some guff for being less than sensitive about a few other topics? My memory is

I would say, even with the looser controls in modern television, that its HARDER (or at least more controversial) to talk about abortion now than in the 70s, especially in a comedic setting. Its almost like the polarization of our society has made everything worse.

Sometimes I'll go back to a place if the only problem is bad service (with the thought being maybe I just had an exceptionally bad server)...

You'll have to forgive me, because I am clearly a common peasant. I am not sure at all what you're talking about, even after rereading your explanation a few times. I'm a college educated professional who dines out frequently at nice restaurants, but I am apparently also an idiot.

Good to know. I actually don't complain about food ever because I'm convinced that they'll just spit in the food or wipe their ass before touching the plate or something (instead, I just never go back to the restaurant if I don't like something).

Arrabiata means "angry," a synonym for spicy, in this context. What are you saying it means?

My husband is allergic to tree nuts (almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, etc.), but not allergic to peanuts, which are a legume. Often, he will ask a restaurant to not put tree nuts into his dish, but then he will order a dessert involving peanuts or peanut butter because he LOVES THEM.

Only if you have a severe anxiety disorder. Why would this be wrong?