On November 2, 2018, Blizzard closed its annual BlizzCon keynote by announcing, to scattered applause, a Diablo game…
On November 2, 2018, Blizzard closed its annual BlizzCon keynote by announcing, to scattered applause, a Diablo game…
Back in March I suffered a devastating injury and was rushed to the hospital for emergency open heart surgery. Since…
I’ve played No Man’s Sky for dozens of hours and never found a planet I wanted to call my home. This week, I finally…
I’m so glad that this game continues to have such great legs. It really seems like there’s a really cool development story to be written here when all is said and done.
Whether you played No Man’s Sky two days ago or haven’t played since launch, returning to the game since the Next…
Conspiracy theory alert:
I had no difficulty completing Sonic Mania. This is not my first rodeo. I grew up with a Genesis because I wanted to one up my NES-owning friend down the street. Sonic has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Here’s a picture of the Sonic action figure I found at my parents’ house the other day. I…
People still ask this question?
A journey through the world of the freezing woods of the survival game The Long Dark has long been wonderful. The…
Right up until probably the last two minutes of Gone Home, I was convinced it was a horror game with a REALLY slow burn.
I’ve been having this problem since the Switch came out. That charge % just does not display correctly for whatever reason. Been hoping they’d patch it, but apparently the system isn’t stable enough because that’s all the patches seem to fix.
Wow you were right! A search of the Google tells me that Broken Sword was released on the DS....
How the crap could I have blanked out on Hotel Dusk, that’s one of my favorites...
Game maker (and co-founder of game studio MiniBoss) Pedro Medeiros knows pixel art, and he wants to teach you. Every…
In 2015 Vanillaware revealed 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, the latest very pretty game from Dragon’s Crown and Odin Sphere director George Kamitani. Today Atlus announced it will be localizing and releasing the PS4/Vita game in the West. The game’s Japanese release date is still TBA, so expect it sometime after that.
They had the opportunity to print money and then they did this. Come on and just give us a proper console Pokemon game.
Hey, at least it’s not another mobile spin-off.
The Super Nintendo is certainly a contender for the world’s most beloved console. The 16-bit juggernaut has a…