rjp is Vincent Van GoToTheBox

I have not seen this in any stores around New England. I'm not going to say I've been to all that many, but the ones I have been to usually run four self-checkout lanes (one grouping) and the rest are still manned.

Yes, they're a 'luser' because they don't know how to use self-checkout and went and used it anyway when there are umpteen manned checkout lanes right next to them. My local Shaw's has the same setup: four self checkout lanes, and about 15 normal checkout lanes.

It makes it okay if you pronounce it like Zach Galifianakis' character from The Hangover.

That post was retarded.

I have bad handwriting whether I wear a watch or not. I also have a tendency to rest my wrist (the joint, not the forearm area) on the surface and keep my arm elevated.

Right wristers unite! I'm a rare righty right wrister.

I am right handed and wear a watch on my right wrist. That's the hand I'm always using, so the time is easily accessible.

Skagen is like the Apple of watches. Very stylish, thin, and light. I picked one of these up because bulky men's watches are terrible, and pulling my cell phone out just to check the time is retarded.

Are you familiar with snopes? They are well known and well respected in the field of mythbusting and they cite a number of sources at the bottom of the article.

I prefer diet cola to regular cola. I also prefer diet coke to diet pepsi. I also can't tell the difference between caffeinated and caffeine free diet coke, but I generally go for caffeine free diet coke if it's available.

The mountain in the foreground doesn't exist. It's a mirage.

Uh, as I recall, everyone nerd raged at Monster... every time. They still get nerd raged at for their ridiculous pricing on gold plated optical cables.

This tool is way more useful. Using the dazzlepod.com tool, I was able to discern that the "rpowers" that Gizmodo finds is girlwithsuperpowers@yahoo.com. Gizmodo tool not useful in this case.

I wouldn't call it unromantic. You've got riot police all around you. Your girlfriend has fallen and is panicking and all you can think to do to calm her down is kiss her? Pretty sweet if you ask me.

It was a kiss. It just doesn't have the backstory the photo implies (amorous couple in the street). She fell, he was trying to calm her down, they kissed. Snap. The photo is of the couple kissing.

NRSander is trying to point out hypocrisy with the people calling for Apple to be more open, and assuming those same people are the ones now complaining that this shouldn't be on the market.

I bet the software companies would argue otherwise. There's nothing stopping them from putting in the EULA that you may not obtain copies of the software from anyone other than them. They can put all kinds of crap in the EULA. Now, will it hold up in court? Probably not.

How does the world look in black and white?

It's not that you're downloading media you already own licenses to; It's that you're uploading said media to users who may not own licenses to it.