rjp is Vincent Van GoToTheBox

I think a lot of home routers these days use a caching nameserver which is passes to DHCP clients. Point router to "free" name server, and problem should be solved. I would imagine there are some low latency nameservers in Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, etc.

*sad trombone*

Come on, man. Think! You had a perfect opportunity for a *different* Star Wars joke:

That's not so bad. In New Hampshire they digitally remove all your clothes!

How am I supposed to heart you when you're already hearted?

This is amusing considering how long Apple's mantra was "Think Different." which has now degraded into "Think Different, just like all of us."

I didn't buy a Xoom.

Don't believe this! It's just a magic trick!

Could you get the guys at lifehacker to post an article about how to use this change to break your contract free? I'm at 2033MB used with 10 days left in the cycle and I've only had Spotify for about a week. I went from typically 1.5 GB to a projected 3GB for the month, and if that usage continues, it will probably be

In short, you are being dismissive of the claims because the claimant has blamed the wind farm. The claimant doesn't know what they're talking about, but if there are widespread complaints of similar symptoms, you investigate the shit out of it, because it could be something serious.

I'm not saying that it should take priority, nor am I saying we should take a yokel's word for it (though if there's widespread complaints, a cursory investigation would be pretty quick). It appears as though someone with a modicum of scientific integrity, the EE, has gone on site and found that there is some evidence

Have you ever put an unpowered fan in an air current? It starts to spin, just like a wind turbine. It is not silent. It affects the local air pressure on both sides of the fan blades.

Your eardrums respond to pressure. Pressure can oscillate at a frequency lower than what your brain processes as sound. As described, it feels like being in the cabin of a plane. It is very possible that the presence of the turbine sets up some strange pressure systems in the local area or down-wind area. You're being

You're using the term photographer. The initiator of this thread denies that people who don't get paid for photographs are photographers. You have classified them as amateur photographers, a subgroup of photographers.

I'm not saying it's not a hobby. Notice, however, that you said "photographer". In other words: I am a photographer. I am a hobby photographer, but a photographer nonetheless.

I have vintage photography equipment from my Grandfather that is worth more than my modern digital SLR gear. I use it to take pictures on film. I have a dark room and develop and print that film by hand. I display said photographs on my walls.

So, the type of person that knows that 4G from T-Mobile and AT&T at the moment is glorified fast 3G (and built on that technology) would know that their iPhone does not support it.

The water weighs the same amount it did before. It's not like falling into water from very high. The terminal velocity of a human is likely much higher than the terminal velocity of water as it breaks up from being dropped. I would imagine the safe height to have water dropped on you from like that is pretty low, as

He may be in a non-combat position? Basically a desk job over there. I'd imagine with a Medal of Honor, you can get just about any job you want, and with a story like his, you'd deserve it.