
Yeah haha they missed some low hanging fruit there.

Dude that "sweet turns sour" tyric is great. I don't understand hating this song at all.. one of my top George tracks for sure. The guitar tone is awesome.

Ok, I'll give you Revolution 9 and Wild Honey Pie (the latter is mostly just a goofy transitional piece of filler though). But all these White Album cuts that are getting trashed… Birthday, Piggies, Savoy Truffle, Glass Onion etc etc… they're great. And if you try to cut them off any version of the white album I'm

This list is basically like "oh hey, I heard you like the Beatles biggest hits, well FUCK YOU!"

How does one become fired for 8 months? Do you just show back up to the job you were fired from every day and get fired again?

Have fun! If you were let down by seasons 4 or 5, it's a nice return to form, and the new cast members are indeed great.

I'm ready to let it die now. Not because the quality isn't there (season 6 was great), but because it's already ended on a high note. There's just no need to try and stretch the premise and characters further.

Putting a song as catchy as Girl as your final track is pretty bold. Really loving the album sequence.

Yeah 100% agreed here…this is a pop album, not a dance album. The tempo is generally pretty slow and laid back. And there is a lot of subtle tunefulness and unusual song structure that you don't typically see in dance music. Really great headphones at home album… I'm loving it!

These guys have been around long enough to deserve a ranking thread. Here's mine:

Yeah I don't understand why they don't get more acclaim. They get decent critical respect, but don't seem to have a lot of listeners (at least among random internet denizens). Like Junior Boys (also criminally underrated) they seem to fly under the radar, making great electro pop that ought to be all over the radio,

In Our Heads is easily their best record, for me. It's so consistent all the way through, and has both Flutes and Let Me Be Him which are some of the most epic tracks they've ever made.

On my first listen from the stream on their site, it wasn't even a standout track. But I'll be diving in much deeper this week. Really liking the title track the most so far… and Huarache Lights. And Need You Now.

I'm not sure what people thought was going to happen to her, when she was agreeing to marry an established psychopath. Did people think she was going to change him with her kindness? Thank Stannis would ride in just in the nick of time to save her?

This actually sounds like a great idea. Cat's Cradle was always marginally my favorite book of his, and the story is sprawling enough to fill a solid season of TV.

Same age, feel the same way. I get excited about new releases by old bands (Spoon for example), but never any new artists save for a few. It takes too long for new stuff to grow on me (if it ever does), and I find myself constantly just wanting to revisit classics.

That would probably have been more entertaining.

Under 15 minutes and I'm out. Especially when I'm itching to dive into a cool new game, the LAST thing I want to do is fiddle with sliders for hours, especially when I'm going to be spending the majority of the game looking at the back of my character's head.

That's why I love it when RPGs have a "do not display helmet" checkbox… I think Torchlight 2 and Diablo 3 have this. Makes it so you can design a character with kickass hair and STILL wear practical headgear.

Terrible? I don't think characters like Cloud would be half as iconic if it were not for their hair design. Especially in the early days of clunky polygons, how else are you going to make your main character distinct. Spiky hair!