
Really liking this review so far (though I'm sure Kappa's criticisms are justified)… "information overload" is exactly what I felt in the 2-3 hours I played. I didn't know what any of my stats did, how to upgrade my stuff, how to do any kind of decent tactics, how to level my characters efficiently etc. I chalked it

I don't know whether or not to feel sorry for bands this happens to. On the one hand, it rockets them to immediate fame that they wouldn't have otherwise attained. On the other, it burns out the entire longevity of their career, because they face so much backlash and unfulfilled expectations.

I kind of like You in Reverse. It doesn't touch their 90s output, but the songs are fairly catchy, and the jams appropriately jammy. Ancient Melodies and Enemy don't do much for me though.

God I love Pavement and Archers and Sonic Youth and Yo La Tengo…and all the 90s indie bands, but some of the covers piss me off beyond all belief. I don't think I'll ever understand that collage aesthetic that as popular.

Yes, There's Nothing Wrong with Love is absolutely my favorite! Except for maybe Keep It Like a Secret… that's my favorite too!

I wonder if this is comparable to the "gank squad" fight in the Dark Souls 2 DLC. That fight was absolutely ridiculous, and only beatable by running around like a chicken with its head cut off, and trying to get a panicked hit in on the archer whenever you can.

Have you also played Divinity: Original Sin? I'm curious how this game compares to that in general. I was a huuuuge Baldur's Gate fan back in the day, and picked up D:OS reflexively because of all the praise it got. But I really couldn't get into the game… I don't know if it's my reduced attention span, or what. But

You should watch Barry Lyndon, it's great! But yeah… it definitely falls in line with the others you've mentioned.

Yeah, I'm becoming more optimistic the more we see of actual footage…but at the same time, I don't think he'll be able to capture the visual elegance of something like Empire.

Yeah this was the one I came here to see.

I'm with you…I felt that Buzz was completely unfunny, and added nothing to the show. If they have to have a grumpy old dude to replace Pierce, I think Elroy is doing it well.

Yeah it's been a low-key season, and the lack of genre parodies is making everything feel a little mediocre.

This is definitely my favorite, though not as immediately accessible as Freeway or Sumday.

Gah, I was just about to quote Ebert but you beat me to it! That line is so witty, and so accurate…I liked the movie a lot and liked the soundtrack too, but goddamn he was right.

Great post… so many games train you to be ashamed of your failures, but the Souls games challenge you to revel in them. If you go around beating each boss the first time, most hardcore players would probably argue that you haven't even really experienced the game correctly. The best praise I can give to Dark Souls is

Well if it helps, the Souls games don't require very much manual dexterity. But they do require a lot of patience.

This is what I've heard about SOTFS. Which is a great relief, because I tried it for the first time last night and got my shit absolutely handed to me, despite being a DS1 veteran. I hadn't heard that DS2 was significantly harder than the first, so I was pretty confused, but now it's all making sense.

"Mostly Possible" haha…this is why I'm never going to tackle those bonus bosses. The main game was a great experience though.

You sound pretty salty, tell us more! :D

The constant reaction shots of the audience during the Karate Kid play were so priceless. It was great to see Jeff and even Abed so animated.