
I've kind of wanted the show to move off-campus for awhile. The campus has been ok this season, but I got pretty tired of the "Save Greendale" plots last season.

I have been a huge hater of Chang Season 3-present. This episode went a loooong way towards redeeming him, and I think had some of the best actual laughs from him since, the D&D episode maybe?

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think the Elroy character is the perfect Pierce replacement that I wished Jonathan Banks had been. Keith David is just killing it so far!

Yeah, wtf Paul Reiser. Who knew you could act?

Season 5 felt like a "return to form" but also a bit hollow and frustrating at the same time. So far, this season is about as close to a true return to form as I think the show can get without Pierce, Troy, and Shirley. Really loving it so far!

Whoa whoa, wait a sec. Are you implying that the Iliad is somehow less worthwhile than the Odyssey? Because them's fighting words. I couldn't care less about GoT.

I just can't see blue/back…I feel pretty deprived. If I squint really hard and poke myself in the eyes, it starts to get close…and then slips away.


Oh wow…. I completely forgot he was in this!

Eh, I think Alien 3 mostly suffers from being in the shadow of greatness. It's a perfectly competent sci-fi-horror film. I actually think it's more frightening and claustrophobic than Aliens. But it doesn't have the action setpieces or likable characters of that film. Charles S. Dutton, it goes without saying, is at

Re: The Nerf Herder line… it's terrible writing, of course, but Fisher's delivery is so great that it becomes pretty iconic and quotable.

Women and Humphrey Bogart.

Thanks for reminding me that I need to catch up. I ragequit the series in the last Smith year, but liked what I saw from the first few Capaldi episodes.

Stylistically, sure it was a good movie. But it was also really empty. People call Boyhood a "gimmick" movie because of the long shooting time…but those years were used effectively to tell an emotional and transcendent story.

Agree with everything you said, and I didn't even watch! But it's good to experience the irritation vicariously that I would have felt.

Yeah it's a pretty thankless job these days, which might explain why the candidates are so lackluster. 2016 looks like a year of "who is going to ruin our country the least?"

I actually….would watch this. Well, at least the highlights on YouTube the next day. This year, I can't even be bothered to do that.

1993 - "Schindler’s List"
1992 - "Unforgiven"
1991 - "The Silence of the Lambs"

Sounds good in theory, but I feel it would turn out a little too much like Leisure Suit Larry.

As someone who has watched at least 5 seasons of House and all of the Wire, I can safely say that the best-written episode of House is not as good as the worst-written episode of The Wire.