
Did you sleep through the parts with the drunken, abusive stepdad? If anything, I thought the movie was too dramatic.

Damn you, PS4-owning-scum! *shakes fist*

Oh god yes, Gene Wolf's stuff is good. Has a similar "mature (sci-fi/)fantasy" feel that you get from Martin.

Maybe I'll get flamed for this…but honestly, I think that Wheel of Time would insult your intelligence as an adult reader, especially once you are a few books into it. Even Teenage Me got annoyed after the first couple thousand pages.

Yeah…didn't quite do my math there. I think X almost reaches the heights of series 6 at any rate, so maybe we have more to come?

We need more sci-fi comedies. There's almost a decade's worth of proof that it works, damn it!

Well, it definitely has a 6 in it…

I'm all for the show ending, if not at the end of this season, then after a sixth. But I think we all wanted it to end on a higher note than Season 4, and so far this season's doing a good job of bringing it closer to it's former glory.

Yeah definitely felt that Alien 3 homage, which I was hoping they'd do.

AD&D is like a bottle episode where the bottle is your imagination.

I everyone knew 3d conversions suck, they wouldn't keep shelling out money for Star Wars 3d, Lion King 3d, or whatever the latest cash grab is.

I everyone knew 3d conversions suck, they wouldn't keep shelling out money for Star Wars 3d, Lion King 3d, or whatever the latest cash grab is.

yes, a damned fine interview capped by a damned fine dismissal of post-3D. and then he RUINS it by calling Mars Needs Moms beautiful.*

yes, a damned fine interview capped by a damned fine dismissal of post-3D. and then he RUINS it by calling Mars Needs Moms beautiful.*

least warm-seeming: Cleese. But what a magnificent bastard he seems.

least warm-seeming: Cleese. But what a magnificent bastard he seems.

here's a pitch: Commander Keen movie. Made by Pixar. Go!

here's a pitch: Commander Keen movie. Made by Pixar. Go!

wait, there was a Doom movie? it's so hard to keep up on these things.

wait, there was a Doom movie? it's so hard to keep up on these things.