
Absolutely agree here… most truly "artistic" games don't actually have a lot of different outcomes for the player…most everything is pre-determined by the creator, and the only variable being how far the player is willing to progress (and if the game is well-made, presumably most players will progress to the end… or

Lesson: if you're going to be a famous fantasy author, do not have children. George RR Martin seems to be pulling this off well.

I don't know, I think that 8-10 still managed to find that nice balance between (slightly shallow) RPG gameplay and cinematic storytelling that 7 managed to pull of so well.

The great irony of the 2016 election is that this WAS a pretty good year for most Americans. But apparently (slightly less than) half of them thought this needed to be all torn down.

Reddit is like a meme-friendly environment where they can spread more quickly and gather power. But their true source remains elusive…

I mean, I guess that's the case for a lot of this year's celebrity deaths, but the 1-2 punch of Bowie and Prince was pretty devastating by any year's standards. And I think Trump is 90% of the reason for the rest of this year's despair.

I've got bad news for you, man…if you thought HE was bad, just wait til you see who Trump is going to dredge up.

That's kind of what I got from It Follows… stylish but falls apart the more you think about it. Was perfect for an at-home Halloween stream, though.

At what point does it start to get good? I was really excited to watch it, but so far the first 15 episodes have been a real slog, with only occasional moments of interesting stuff.

I hope this gets massive Box Office success so we can await the equally dire Big Ben Down.

Liking the album on the whole. My biggest issue is the constant echo-ed syllables in the vocal lines. On a song like Summing the Wretch, it gets pretty tiresome. Panda Bear did it well on Boys Latin, but I don't really want to hear it on like half the tracks on an album.

I read someone compare this to King of Limbs…solid but unremarkable. I thought In Rainbows was pretty top-tier Radiohead.

Yeah, it's kind of frantic and overstuffed like Water Curses, but not as abrasive as Centipede Hz. I'm liking it, but it's not up there with their classic Sung Tongs—>MPP run.

The entire review is him talking about his history with past AC albums. He barely even mentions the new album except to dismiss it as not living up to his nostalgia. Pretty typical pitchfork review.

Agree, Meets the Grim Reaper was a pretty fantastic album that seemed to get overlooked somehow.

This definitely demonstrates that the album cover was probably designed in the 24-48hr window between when Kanye announced the title and when he released the art. Some seriously lazy shit.

It's a walk off…it's a walk off.

I think the difference is that movies are an art form heavily based in narrative unlike music or painting. So if you already know the narrative, it diminishes the enjoyment.

It's the great sisyphean task…rolling a death star up a hill to destroy it, only to end up right back where you started.

Well, the original trilogy was designed…as a trilogy. Hence, only one real ending. The problem with Force Awakens is that not only does it nullify the ending of ROTJ but it also gives zero explanation as to why it did. Besides money.