
Last night was pretty sobering for me. I hate Trump as much as the next AV Club reader, but I honestly think he has a good chance now of winning the nomination and possibly the presidency beyond that, certainly more than his GOP competitors. Sanders and Clinton both have solid support, but I'm worried there will be

Well of the TWO primary results so far, they were 100% accurate last night, and they were off in Iowa only because Trump's poll numbers had been inflated and Hilary under-performed a bit as well. They've said repeatedly that that primary polling is wildly unreliable, so they only have so much to go on right now.

The most important moral lesson though is that Han is shooting first, even in these toy commercials.

Ugh had so many, but sold them all when I grew up. I was born in 82, so most of the toys could only be found second hand through garage sales, but we managed to scoop up an ATAT, Wampa, Tauntaun, Ewok Village, Landspeeder, X Wing, X-Wing with Dagobah damage, Y Wing, Jabba, Trapdoor to Rancor pit, and so many one-off

Very true (coming from someone in love with the series). There's also a deep schism between fans of the first game and those of the second.

I guess I'm glad they're doing some course correction… but I really wish this reboot series would just die. I don't really care about tarnishing the legacy of the original comic book/animated series/movies whatever, so much as taking attention from the freaking fantastic current version on Nickelodeon.

Watching the debate, I realized for the first time, despite how much I love him, that Bernie has no chance of winning the nomination. He's an amazing, passionate guy with necessary, insightful views on the most important issues of today, but he will not be able to unite enough people to secure the nomination, let

I want to get that printed a banner that is prominent displayed throughout America.

Maybe this isn't the place non-snarky commenting, but watching the Democratic debate was such a breath of fresh air to me. I had forgotten that politicians could actually be intelligent, well-spoken, and diplomatic. Hell, even O'Malley looked deserving of elected office, and Webb embarrassed himself less than the

I'm not even watching the new show and I'm irritated that Hiro hasn't shown up yet. Come on!

As far as Beatles rankings, I think the real head-scratcher there is Rubber Soul over Abbey Road. But I guess these kinds of things are sources of endless debate.

Well, Songs being a double album automatically gives it more critical heft. Honestly, I'm fine with any of those peak-era Stevie Wonder albums making the cut. So much good stuff.

Yeah I think you nailed it… Sgt Pepper was certainly a marvel of production and imagination, but a lot of the stronger songs of the era were non-album singles, and aside from the opening salvo and Day In the Life, a lot of the middle section is too whimsical and fluffy. Still a great album by any measure, but I've

I didn't "get" Exile for a long long time either, but I reached a tipping point and it's probably my favorite Stones album now. Though in all honesty, I'm not a huge fan of theirs. Fab Four 4 Life!

Yep, I couldn't stand the hype any longer and shelled out the $20 even though I'm broke (damn you, PS4 users, who apparently get it free this month!!). I don't know how much longevity this game has but it's incredibly fucking fun for the time being. You can fire it up and be playing within seconds, and the features

I don't understand all the hand wringing over this book. Just read it… if you like it, good!

Just listen to the Jay-Z/Linkin Park collab while also inhaling rubber cement.

Yes please. That plus Emotions.
