
According to IndieWire, contestants were asked to stand still while playing “Red Light, Green Light” at 26° Fahrenheit (-3° Celsius) weather in 30-minute increments during a nine-hour filming session.

Kinda’ wild to me that this part of the story has gone mostly unreported.

Y’all are missing part of the story. It’s not the court hearing that resulted in his firing — Cartoon Network has been well aware of that for a couple years now — it’s the revelations that Roiland reaches out to underaged girls on social media in hopes of sexual encounters.

This is to me one of the numerous bad impacts of review bombing as it has become a method to just dismiss negative responses to shows.

Doesn’t help when your sister site Jezebel runs a already debunked hit piece to try and smear Henry Cavill, as well as adding in their own pathetic lines to add to the faux drama. And then when the source turns out to be bullshit, Jezebel pulls the article and doesn’t run a retraction or apology.

Claiming that all bad reviews are from racist trolls is deeply stupid.

I am a black man. I am very much a leftist progressive. I read the linked interview on IGN. The answer provided was entirely reasonable, persuasive, and easy to understand. I do not agree with the views expressed in this article, which I consider a disingenuous, or at the very least grossly misinformed and needlessly

Or maybe developers can tell a story how they want and people can choose to not buy the game?

There are other devs out there supporting diversity that could be reported on and backed instead of complaining and raging against big companies giving them MORE headlines.

Just a thought.

Seriously? Medieval Europe should have more blacks? You need to chill out, blacks have been over represented in media to the point people in western countries when surveyed think the overall population is multiplicatively higher than reality. Meanwhile white and asian actors are being racistly turned down rolls for

Ah yes, the game in which we cast fire and ice spells, heal our comrades instantly from mortal damage, wield broadswords with one hand, and regularly speak with flying koalas and summon mythic titans must be *checks notes* “grounded in reality” when it comes to race. Glad that’s sorted.

Did you really just cherry pick a line to rage bait an article? Holy shit Kotaku is so bad these days.

Sounds like you just found out about how Japanese people view race issues (i.e. they don’t really give a shit about things that Americans freak out over).  *shrug*  It’s a shame.

While Japan is definitely not the shining example of diversity or representation, I do feel like not absolutely every piece of media needs diversity or representation.

Well it went from "we don't care about what you do in your own bedroom" to " except us or your a bigoted Nazi" I wonder why some people are angry.

Interesting how Ashley doesn’t attempt an ounce of due diligence by trying to verify any of the wild claims they proudly publish in this article, but they’ve got Sorrenti on speed dial to quote and do repeatedly 

I have been looking at the Keffals thread for sometime and to most people who have been brigading for the forum to be shut down don’t understand the bigger picture of the situation…

Imagine empathy for pedos and zoophiles. 

Funny thing is if you ask 100 people what kiwifarm is 90 wouldn't even know. I guess they should be thanking the pedo keffals for the free publicity.

Nothing to see here just a pedo fleeing for it'd life.  Move along people.

“I’m so insecure I need people to pay attention to me at all times but I just cant handle the mean comments, people are so horrible and cruel!!! I feel like killing myself” ...(Immediately and incessantly tunes in to read comments on multiple platforms, all day, everyday.)