
😹😹😹😹😹 cry more

Keffals groomed minors in a “catboy ranch” discord, and likely faked the UberEats hacking and delivery. Plus, KF only hosts info people publicly post on the internet. They may make a shitload of racist and sexist jokes, but screenshots of tweets and archived sites of dumb activity don’t lie.

Who cares? The American Flag files were already in the game, they get swapped in when the game is sold in less LGBT-friendly markets. If anything, one should be mad at Insomniac for doing what Disney does when they tout a gay couple in a movie, then cut it out for the Chinese market...

Like Kyle on South Park says, 1 in 4 people are retarded

When she complained, one of the game’s moderators claimed that she had breached a policy regarding “family friendly” content... At one point, the moderator in question equated discussions of gay and trans people to “political” and “fetish” content, something which they have since apologized for.”

She's living rent free in your head...

But JK Rowling isn't a tranny 🙃

Way to use a misleading picture to make people think police shot the kid you dick

We do not love them.

If it were pages from a Christian bible no one would give a shit

Imagine thinking this is a problem 😂😂

It only permanently fucks it up if you save with that cheat active, you're even warned not to at the save game menu. If you go ahead and do it that's on you haha

Aunt May was robbing the cradle, and Uncle Ben was robbing the tomb 😏

Not that crazy, maybe they assumed they'd get more views than they have

Frank oz is an asshole and I don't trust his opinion on diddly. Disney sucks at Muppet related things, but Oz pretends to be the mouthpiece for Jim Henson's ghost and it's really irritating

😂😂😂😂 suuuuurrreeeee

Fuck off racist

If you give me a cake baked from feces, I can either say "watch me bake a cake from regular ingredients!" Or "maybe don't use shit as your main ingredient in a cake?" What we're asking for is the latter. They don't have to design an interface, but maybe tell the readers how you'd improve it?

Normally wouldn't reply almost 2 years late.... But goddamn you're annoying

CPM overthinking something and feigning outrage? Stop the presses!!!