
Wonder Woman rapes an unconscious man in this movie

Seems like most people I know that were hyped just wanted to see Keanu, I don't get his appeal though....

Oh yayyyyyy, the character who made the least impression in a whole movie filled with characters like that is coming back. Great(?)

It wasn't a rumor, Foxx himself confirmed it

What if Emma Stone appeared as Spider Gwen tho.....

Literally everything else you listed pales in comparison to these suits. It's like this movie was actually pretty interesting and important to a lot more people than you realized...

Nah, morbid as it may seem, Disney almost assuredly had at least two script outlines; one in case he beat cancer, one in case he didn't. They’ll just go with the second one now...

From the reliable spoilers I've read, it wasn't gonna be that great of a movie anyways...

Nah, this would’ve muddied the waters and made idiots like CPM even more incensed...

Charles is the kinda guy who has BLM and ACAB stenciled on his shirt, hat, pants, butt, socks, codpiece and facemask, but would call the cops on a black guy loitering outside his local Whole Foods or Amazon market. Your takes are dumb and you should feel dumb

Booooooo! :D

Funny how this article was posted by the guy who think all whitey's are raping, murdering devils... 🤷

These aren’t whiny baby responses but go off I guess

Up next on Kinja Deals: buy some discounted Disney shit from Amazon so you can fund two mega-corporations at once!

The part about Black Mask makes me think this is satire...

Ahh, I see you didn't even play the video game

If you think the internet mob wouldn't tear CW a new asshole for having a black woman get her ass kicked, even when it makes sense story wise, have I got a bridge to sell you...

Uhh... Dogs can look up bud

Were they trying to beat the USA to heaven?

Pause your game, go into the options menu and enable assist mode, it has a lot of useful things like sliders to change the damage amount you receive and give out, how much energy pips give you, and even invincibility and one hit kills! You do have to have the newest base game update though!