Please! Psychic gorillas are realistic, but newspapers in seven years, don't be ridiculous, show!
Please! Psychic gorillas are realistic, but newspapers in seven years, don't be ridiculous, show!
I win!
Is there really anything in these speeches which will speak to me? I know what Obama and Trump are going to say before I hear it, so why waste my time? I have repeats of Last Man Standing to watch :)
So the solution for the Democrats is to follow the lead of a self-proclaimed Socialist? I'm not sure that will work. I think they have to rethink their identity politics because it seems to have alienated a lot of people.
I'll be honest. I never thought Trump would win. I definitely didn't think he'd win a second term, but when I seen all the anti-Trump hate around, I realize why he won and why he's got a good chance at winning the next election. It brings up the question I'm always asking, "How bad was Hillary as a candidate?!"
It's not that difficult. I went eight years without listening to Obama, you can make it the next eight without listening to Trump.
What are "Two shows on TV I won't be watching," Alex.
I miss Will Harris' write-ups on this show.
I think it's funny this show thinks there's going to be newspapers around in 2024.
That's every aspect of life. There are loud people who get noticed in every vocation. Colin Kaepernick isn't the best player in football, but I bet more people know his name because of his loud points-of-view. Most of the jerk Christians I know tend to not be Christians at all. Whenever there's a story bashing…
I can see that. Though, if we truly believe what the Bible says about God, they ARE spiritually high, being guided in every aspect of their lives by the Holy Spirit. Of course, there are those people who are just like those described in this video:…
I'm a pastor and my life involves hanging around born-again Christians. For those of you who aren't born-again Christians, you'd be surprised at the variety of people you'll meet. There are conservatives and liberals; Democrats and Republicans; rich and poor; judgmental and non-judgmental; the list goes on and on.…
This is fun. I've always wondered how us "born-agains" come off to the the non-"born-agains." So far I've learned we can't shut up about "finding" God and we are still addicts, presumably about going to church?? Not quite sure. Can anyone else enlighten me?
Ok. Man, Black-ish is going to be cancelled before this conversation is over. Thanks for your help!
One more question, Yoda :) If a white person hates black people, he's racist, and if a black person hates a white person, he's prejudiced? Or is it only if the white person (or black person) holds a position of power over the other?
Well, I have been accused on here of not listening to people. So please, Ferris, explain the difference to me.
Forgive me.
Then minorities shouldn't have voted for him. More Hispanics, who were all supposed to hate Trump, voted for him than they did Romney. More blacks, who were all supposed to hate Trump, voted for him than they did Romney. So you obviously can't speak for all minorities just like I can't speak for all whites. (I'm…
You're probably right. Good talking with you, Anton.
Who said I don't support groups wanting to deal with the bad cops that are out there? As a matter of fact, I think I said the opposite, that I support those bad cops being dealt with. I couldn't care less about All Lives Matter or Black Lives Matter. I think we should all get along and I don't think it helps when it's…