
Stats forgotten in this argument: Amount of white people shot by police, amount of white people shot by black people, amount of black people shot by black people. That is the argument no one is having. Blacks are killing blacks at a rate far above the rate the police are killing them. That is the argument no one is

I agree with your first 19 words. Those are excellent and I couldn't have phrased it better myself. However, I never at any point said the most notable perpetrators of racism are non-white. I said there are racists and they come in a variety of colors, not just one.

You amuse me, Anton! See, there's this thing often used in arguments called "the truth." Personally, I think it would have been to Obama's benefit to stay above these stories which are worked out by the legal system. However, if he feels he has to say something on these matters, tell the truth. There are different

I replied in another comment. I just don't want you to think I'm ignoring you.

Oh, yeah, I am insane, there's no disputing that. I've stepped into this minefield, so my sanity is definitely in question. However, my recollection of events might be shaky, but your definition of Obama taking the high road and mine must be different, because 99 percent is not the number I'd use.

The Ferguson shootings, there was no proof of "hands-up;" the situation with the lawyer at his own front door, with no reports of the other side, "If I had a son, he would have looked like Trayvon." You can probably Wikipedia others. I think it would have been to his benefit to stop playing into the America is racist

If everyone on these comment boards followed your advice, it'd be very empty and very boring :)

I don't think America is racist, though I think there are racists. However, there is never any honest discussion about racism, because of the tendency to make all whites racist and every other race is given a pass.

And that horrible American racism is why a black man will never be elected president! Oh.

In Fallon's defense, he probably thought he was mussing the hair of an afterthought, a trivia question answer, because there was no way he was going to win. I mean, you would have to be one god-awful candidate to lose to that bozo! Oh…..

It's more fun to tweet tedious comments than it is to vote in midterm elections. I live in California. My vote has not changed anything for years. I don't remember the last time I voted for anything that ended up winning. Oh, no, I remember. I voted Yes on 8 and it got overturned.

I don't know how you force values on people. If they don't want to vote on elections they see as unimportant, then so be it. I'm a pastor and am often accused of forcing my values on others, but the truth is people will believe what they want, even the people in my church. Not every Christian voted for Trump.

That's possibly true, but even if you take all of us people who are wasting valuable time in comment sections of the internet, it isn't a very large percentage of the population. That's a good thing! :)

I don't know who "we" is, but it seems that .0001 percent of both sides are the vocal ones. The others just go about their business, not worrying about politics at all. My wife is in that category and she's happier for it. I'm glad that's the bigger percentage.

Absolutely! Fortunately, the Democrats ran a great candidate and were able to beat him. Um. Oh.

It amuses me that the Democrats feel their best shot was a self-proclaimed Socialist, but then I'm easily amused.

Was your New Years resolution to reply to 10 month old comments? 😀 But I'll bite. If I'm watching a tv show and there's a Christian character, I can almost guarantee you that he'll be the villain. In the pilot episode of Pure Genius, there was a Christian couple and SURPRISE the husband ended up a wife beater. That's

In other news, George Michael died on Christmas.

To all my friends on AV Club, have a blessed and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I think we're at the point where the Democratic/Progressive and Republican/Conservative points of view are so far apart that both sides feel it's idiotic if you don't believe how they believe.