I know, Kyle! It's tough to find shows to watch as a conservative nowadays, so this is the dreck we're stuck with.
I know, Kyle! It's tough to find shows to watch as a conservative nowadays, so this is the dreck we're stuck with.
Oh, I'm definitely not comparing quality. I love All in the Family, but am probably one of the few on this website who even watch Last Man Standing. I would say Norman Lear did a great job in making Archie Bunker a straw man, because it's hard to argue against blatant racism. What I'm not sure he expected is how…
Isn't that Last Man Standing? Tim Allen's character is a conservative (but not racist) with a son-in-law who's an annoying liberal.
And I would argue if you lose to the worst candidate ever, you're the worster candidate 😃
I don't care if Russian leaked emails that Hillary Clinton was Hitler's granddaughter, if you can't beat Donald Trump in an election, you have no business being in politics. Why did she lose? She was the worst candidate ever. End of story.
I'm just waiting for someone, anyone to say HRC was a terrible candidate.
I hope he has to figure out what a yellow light means.
I'm shocked you believe in an afterlife, but it's a good starting point. Have a great day!
Sorry, I didn't mean to pick on someone who had such a bad couple of days. Praying for you!
Language please.
I'd love to answer that question, but I don't understand it. I didn't like either candidate. I'm not happy at a Donald Trump victory, but am happy about a Hillary Clinton loss. How does me voting or not voting (and I did vote in every other category in a state, California, where my vote was useless) change the fact…
My prediction, as someone that voted for neither, was that Clinton would wipe the floor with Trump. I'm shocked at the results, but what I did was seriously underestimate how unlikeable Hillary Clinton is. My thought was that the Republicans picked the absolute worst candidate to beat the absolute worst Democratic…
Agreed. (Extends hand).
How could he win!? All the celebrities said it would be her! I'm not as happy about a Trump win as I am about a Hillary loss.
Yes, it's true. If there's one thing TV shows are lacking, it's gay people. They need more so I can do less TV watching and more reading.
No, I did not see that or reach that conclusion, but that could be because they spent honestly two minutes tops on the shooters. This was Rachel Scott's story, not theirs, and since her journals were used as the source material for this film, it is from her point of view, not theirs.
I'm sorry, I thought you saw it. I did. I didn't see fascism. I saw a fairly honest portrayal of high school Christians having to live life in the world. I didn't watch the movie and say, I wish they'd focus on all the poor kids who died. Sometimes the Christians in my church just want to see a movie which they feel…
Mobiusclimber, when did you see the movie? What did you dislike about it?
Why should I care about the things you care about? I'm just being honest. And why should Pure Flix? Do you really think that Pure Flix, a movie company that is Christian-based, with the goal of reaching their base, should feel guilty that they covered the Christian aspect of this story. By the way, the whole movie was…
Are there people out there wanting to make movies about the other victims? I'm sure they could step forward and do so. Doesn't Pure Flix have the right to make movies with an agenda? Don't most movies have an agenda? Where were the people telling James Cameron, "Hey, it's not fair that you're not showing the 'I hate…