
Yeah, but you don't really believe in those moral guidelines, because they come from the same writers who say you have to believe in Jesus to get saved. The same Man who said, feed the poor and clothe the naked also said, I am the way, the truth, and the life and no one gets to the Father but through Me. Where's the

The homeschooled kids at my church are some of the smartest children here. I think your nephews and nieces are going to be fine.

Maybe he just needs to get outside, get some fresh air, and turn off his TV and computer.

So they're pro-Trump because they won't call him a racist? This makes them conservative?

Um, you win? The media is a red-meat, conservative waste hole that is sending our country to hell in a hand basket? The mainstream media is actually anti-LGBT, pro-Trump, anti-immigration? It's just hard for me to believe ANYONE believes that. I'll grant it might be less liberal than its made out to be, but I refuse

I don't remember that, but I do remember the New York Times making up an affair for John McCain and publishing it like it was true. Except for JMP, is there anyone else in the comments section that agrees with him that the majority of mainstream media is conservative? I don't mean less liberal than people usually peg

Man! I could've been watching CNN all these years for juicy red meat conservative values and here I was wasting my time on Fox! I wish someone would've told me years ago that ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times were pro-Republican, because I wouldn't have

I feel sorry for liberals not having any news to watch except for MSNBC, unless that's too conservative, too.

If every network is conservative, why do liberals hate Fox News so much?

Are you telling me CNN and the network news stations all wanted Trump over Hillary? McCain or Romney over Obama? Bush over Gore or Dukakis? Bush or Dole over Clinton?

I have always been anti-cops shooting unarmed children, so I guess I'm finally more liberal than CNN.

Well, you can't have that. Nazis!

It's been a long time since I watched the news. CNN and the network newscasts are conservative now? When did that happen?

Nazi? I'm a Christian. I have great love for the Jewish people. I'll agree I am tiresome though!

That'll teach us.

(to catchy music) "Diane just had the worst first date ever. (Friend-"He's suing you for what??") But a time in court could be just what Greg and Diane needed to fall in love. (Diane's lawyer-"I object!" Diane's friend-"How can you object to that?? Um-hmmm!") Come see two people who started off dating each other

Texting At The Movies starring Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Reynolds.

I like Obamacare. It gave a Republican majority in just about every aspect of government and who can complain about that. And, if you think Obama was a good president, I'm going to just wave the white flag right now. (Not racist, it means surrendering.)

Man, liberals love cursing! I believe they took the Democratic side on all of those stories, but even if I give those to your side, it still makes the score 1,345,462-5. I think if you honestly looked logically at how those news organizations covered Republicans vs. Democrats, there is no way you would say those

I appreciate that! I think it will be better for everyone in our nation if we could find things to agree on and then work from there.