tiens ma bière, is hold my beer
tiens ma bière, is hold my beer
And this is Jalop-worthy because...? Tires?
A seagull would be roasted and farted out the back. Even a few gulls. However, a Sullenberger-magnitude bird ingestion is another story.
Subaru XT-6 and it’s not even close.
The 7G Celica, especially the GT-S with that high redline had the right mix of color, dials and gauges right where you could read them. Some might say it should have had the RPM in the middle with the speedo to the side, but in a $20k little coupe, it just worked and the colors were great at night.
Any surveyor worth a damn knows not to route over a clutch of dragon eggs. Big mistake.
With all the idiots in MN still driving with phones in hand, I’m surprised more plows are not hit each year.
The Boxster is a long-term project that I unfortunately left behind in Nevada when I moved to Ohio in 2021. I will finish it, but it’s going to be a while.
Sales Guy after getting pulled out: So, want a BMW?
Mennonites: *laughs in Pennsylvania Dutch*
The BMW seems to have treated you well, get another one :
Ok, literally every single one of those cars except for the Volvo won’t work for 3 kids, 2 of whom has car seats....
I think the “writers” here are using the same tactic one of my kids used.
Exactly. This should be bought with the expectation that you’ll spend the difference between this and the market value of good condition ones on immediate repairs.
Coldest I’ve ever been was in the North Carolina mountains near a river during a hard freeze. The combination of cold and wet is far worse than being in the Rockies in 0 degrees with no moisture. Just soaks all the way in.
Finally saw one of these things in the wild this morning.
It was huge. Even though I was looking at it from my tiny sports car, I was not expecting this thing to be that enormous. The compensator’s compensator.
Need to see one driving but its looks are polarizing if nothing else.
While I really dislike its looks, I…
0F and -20F rounds to “really fucking cold” either way.
I once took a month-long biology class where we traveled to Florida to study various species and ecosystems. Mainly took it because it happened in winter and WV is prone to blizzards. We didn’t even mind that we would be tent camping most of the time because how cold could Florida get?
I guess I live a little further south, lowest I’m seeing for me in the next ten days is 70 during the day and 53 at night on Saturday.
IT was a nice 15° this morning with a wind chill between 1 and 5 where I live in Central Texas. I live in an old house with no central heat, the space heater was working overtime lol.
but for those who don’t have an at-home charging solution, allow yourself ample time and charge to get to a public charger.