Rob Grinder

Johannson is coming across the opposing blue line with his head down, Maatta is peeling back in the corner after 5 minutes without the puck...Johansson will get lit up 95% of the time in that situation, Maatta 5% (with a select individual making the hit). Your comment is absurd. FYI you bend your knees when you skate,

go watch hockey highlights. you’ll find that more often than not, the hitter leaves his feet. the rule is in regards to timing - if you leave your feet before the hit, that’s a penalty. if you leave your feet after the hit, that’s exactly how it’s supposed to be done. the problem here is possession and intent -

Letang’s skates come off the ice after contact. Thus, it is not charging. This issue has been covered, in-depth by the league.

Ovechkin leaves his feet for roughly 90% of the hits he puts out.

With exception of a hip check, it’s pretty damn hard to stay on your feet through the whole hit. I’m a Caps fan but it’s always pretty clear that people with this complaint have never played the game.