Rob Grinder

I don’t know if you caught several seconds later him picking his teeth up of the ice.....that happened. If that happened to you, you would go cry to you mom and expect a quarter under your pillow the next morning.

Poor guy only made 101 million dollars in a state with no income tax.

Johannson is coming across the opposing blue line with his head down, Maatta is peeling back in the corner after 5 minutes without the puck...Johansson will get lit up 95% of the time in that situation, Maatta 5% (with a select individual making the hit). Your comment is absurd. FYI you bend your knees when you skate,

If you think these “student athletes” are getting an education you are out of your mind and should know better by now. With programs and professors in place to ensure that these “student athletes” receive the very minimum education in fields which have very little economic viability all in the name of eligibility is

Hey Patrice stole the jokes I was telling in middle school!!!! Wait no, those were jokes everyone was telling. Public domain my friend.