Rajan Jangda

So injury wise, that’s several contusions and burns... to their ego, right?

What’s the dumbest accident anyone’s ever had in the office?

Got room for a badass photographer based in the UK? ;-)

They’re failing to adjust and market themselves properly. It’s as simple as that.

This is hilarious!

Hybrid is solely for Porsche to look at, Audi’s direction is that they focus on EV.

No Ridge Racer Type 4 final level?

This is what most London Underground stations look like tbh.

Imagine Chilled Chaos flipping out after practicing fire-hopping for hours only to read the last part lol

LOL good one!

It’s not what you wear, it’s how you wear it.

Looks too OTT, bit too ‘Hollywood’

The way he did this is genius!

People need to be shown this woman as a WARNING = never drink whiskey during pregnancy unless you want your child to be like this woman.

What a shame, potentially a brilliant storyline dumped down the shitter.

Lol... Good one.

Mate, you ain’t seen nothing till you’ve seen Southall.

I saw, there’s literally only 12 of them and the ringleader looks like the type of 40+ year old virgin who points a hairdryer at cars to fool them into thinking it’s a speed gun.

So I’m guessing Detroit is like the Manchester of USA

This better glow at night... I’ll be annoyed if I do my usual trek to Gold Curves-Arnage and find that this car doesn’t glow without the help of UV light...