Rajan Jangda

That’s pretty much it, just a noisy minority of NIMBYs, which is ironic, because they technically don’t own that back yard.

Sorry, but Law should be in this list

...please see Peptide’s comment below. 


Knowing protests against motorsport, and the nature of them, the majority of those protesters are probably not from Belle Isle.

I fucking love this.

The actual game itself sucked, Reflections totally lost the plot after Driver 2 and thankfully regained it’s direction for San Francisco.... which needs a sequel, but all know that’s not going to happen.

You know, I’m beginning to think that NASCAR is a bit like Test Cricket... people who don’t watch it don’t really get it, but really, it’s an excuse to go and drink for a whole day.

This is basically how idiot gamers expect damage to be like in racing sims...

Kinda bodes well for the motorsports divisions = bottomless spending

What made you think I was being serious?

I don’t know what you’ve been smoking or injecting, but I’d sure like to try some.

“Got to do with, got to do with it...”

So banning several non-white musicians and suggesting bans on ethnic genres of music isn’t racist?

This is before we even look into her dubious voting record in the house of commons which paints a very specific picture of her.

Spelt ‘racist’ wrong.


This is true.

If it makes you feel better, the UK’s currently being run by an unelected racist bitch from a village with a church and no foreign people.

I knew I should have stayed there longer...

It’s a copy/ripoff of an existing Indian comic.