Rajan Jangda

I have 100% confidence that he will do it.

Oh my god, are they serious?! It’s pretty insulting when you think of the condition that Gal Gadot has, it’s insulting towards her too.


They’re too fixated on fucking each other over, something that Bernie started, before the major championships had the common sense to realise that drivers racing in multiple series at once were mutually beneficial to all.

Squatting on property redefined

I missed it by about 5mins, I was running across from Village Corner when it happened.

I laughed at that picture more than I should have lol

Pastor Maldonado.

If I’d have left Village Corner 5 mins earlier, there probably would have been one.

Guess he’s gonna have to bring all of that money he’s hiding in Mauritius...

The Fords... depending on which model, is either a Mazda or a Fiat (yes... a Fiat.)

...It’s a Vauxhall.

Thank you :-)

I’ve heard of this guy before somewhere...

It’s to identify them from the Prototypes at night.

Did someone say Twist of Fate?

But can they effectively SELL it? That’s the real question, MS does a lot of marketing, but when you look at how much they spend on marketing compared to how much they actually sell, they’re marketing without managing to sell.

Totally not sarcastic at all.

You need to trackside at one of the proper street tracks, it reverberates in a weirdly different way.

...that’s why Mexico ePrix was sold out with 36,000 in attendance... yeah, very empty, dork.