Rajan Jangda

Only when you go about in a manner where you automatically reject anything and everything that’s different in any way shape or form, and then on top of that go on sociopathic tirades which pretty much make it out as if someone just took away all of your most basic rights or the British Empire just turned up with a

It’s broken... but unfortunately, not in the same brilliant way as the Hardy Boyz... the edits are botchy and the audio balancing is nightmarishly bad.

They’re about twice-thrice as loud in person tbh.

Noise is wasted power, it literally and figuratively is, but hey if F1 wants to backwards maybe they should go full-wack and remove all safety features while they’re at it, then punch themselves in the dick when they realise that all their sponsors have gone to WEC and FE...

It’s a hangover from an era which just won’t fuck off, the era which mislead many to think that motorsport is purely and exclusively about big engines, big cigars, big barrels of beer, and bigger tits, the same people who will always moan in the comments section of every motorsport website whenever the smallest detail

Told ya, they’re like stealth fighters... also, Formula E is so WipEout 2097... and that’s a GOOD thing.

We have that in the UK, it’s called the MOT, unfortunately, it doesn’t stop people from still being idiots.

Wouldn’t be better to blame Gran Turismo AND Forza? Both put across excessively unrealistic tunes.

I don’t blame you! lol

How about no, and create something new for once.

Just a Bimmer fan casually being a Bimmer fan on the internet, ie: a total gusset-feeder

Level with Testuya Naito’s

Now playing

Stef... did you just say GLORIOUS?

You can’t say glorious without...

This is the collapsed vehicular reality that needs Franklin Richards to create a new one...

Nothing that every other manufacturer doesn’t do, the all use bespoke tyres, setups, parts, etc., ask Nissan why you can’t buy the Nurburgring tyres.

They’re also building their own versions of the Sukhoi PAK FA and Dassault Rafale.

To suggest that country is incapable of manufacturing or that you’ll refuse to buy anything manufactured there is borderline xenophobic, which is a shame really because if Harley wants a successful tariff-free existence in the Indian market (who fucking love their bikes), they’ll need to have a factory there.

There’s no actual market for Harley in India at the moment, they’re better off buying Royal Enfield and building stuff for the Indian market out of their Indian factories.

And how exactly would you protect the spectators then?

It works... btw, the car you see at Testing or Melbourne will be totally different to this.