
Yeah, this seems pointless.

Honestly, I’d be excited for a live-action show set in that universe that told new stories. The live-action adventures of Avatar Roku or Avatar Kyoshi (or something set after Korra)? That could be absolutely thrilling.

But these seems like something that no one wants.

Well, he was right about that part. Wakandan rules allow for trial by combat to determine leadership, and while that is an absolutely terrible system for a supposedly advanced society, he did win leadership fair and square, and the people mostly bowed to his will. That’s the rules. It’s just everything he did after

Let me help you: this looks amazing.

I won’t say anything but I will post this:

Jackie Chan said that the greatest detriment to how American fight scenes are shot, are that they are too close up, they hide the hits, are shakey, change angles too much, and are done by people who don’t know how to fight. The Russos are upping the American cinematic fight game.

I honestly think this move might just take top box office of all time if it’s as good as the early buzz is saying. It has the definitive fucking spiderman according to the buzz, that right there is what will put it over the 2 billion mark with ease.

Holy crap, the Russos know how to direct fight scenes. Infinity War is in good hands.

The Avengers work pretty well with this new roster. Glad to see Wanda getting creative with powers.

I dunno if it’s looking down inasmuch as a reluctance to directly address a tv show that a very small segment of the global audience for these movies has watched.