
This comment deserves so many upvotes.

Thats the thing about Wakanda: its a fusion between ancient tradition and adcanced modernism. They slavishly worship tradition despite being such a technologically forward people. Its like this in the comics as well. The nation has always wrestled with this dichotomy. Wakanda is a CONTRADICTION.

I think the difference here is tbat Kilmonger isn’t so much an evil version but a guy who desires the throne and with that comes the mantle of Black Panther. Him having his own suit and challenging T’Challa is basically him attempting to prove he’s better at being warrior and king. He’s not really the evil/dark

This film is gonna be a game changer. Everything that’s being said about it, is amazing. Apparently, the airport scene is the best action in a comic book movie ever!

It’s a movie about fictional characters. When did fans become so obsessed with trying o explain and justify the fanatstical elements of comic book movies? It’s all fantasy. If you wanna get technical, Batman should have extreme brain damage and severe bodily injuries that should damn near have him in a wheelchair. 20

It’s a film about fictional characters....try not to justify the fantastical elements too hard and just enjoy the fantasy

I think it’s obvious the success of Coulson caused Marvel to capitalize on it quickly. I thibk if they could go back in time now, AOS would never have happened and the Netflix model would’ve been the only TV presence Marvel would be involved in (save for Agent Carter which works well as a prequel).