
No, white people are not a minority in Birmingham, then or now.

This.every.day. He shat hard on them all!

As a ‘Birmingham’ I can avow that the race relations were not great at this time the year of my birth, 3 years later a brick was thrown at me whilst walking with my nan, I still have the scar, my mommy was called a nigger lover.. many more stories of this shite can be told but why delve into that shit; this man has

He lived on the road of our family home as a child, the two towers are said to have been inspired by the Severn Trent Waterworks pump tower and Perrott’s Folly, a local landmark which I am a trustee of, though the family deny the connection (can’t blame them, everyone wants a piece) he also lived in a house 5 mins

Happy New Year from Pattaya, Thailand to all my Jezzies! It’s been a cray year, dealt with my problem drinking, will be filing for divorce after ending marriage in August, left 5yr job as too stressful and freaked as did not find a job til Oct, the money is good but in my heart I feel it isn’t me so.. that’s a

So long as you don’t giggle and then shit! Do you bebe! Sweet memories

This film...!

It’s the trim... it always is...

I do love your on point round up of all things UK, I don’t have to add owt and always star you because you have us down more often than not..!

In her shoes is one of my fave books and movies, Samantha can get fucked!

This museuem holds the happiest of memories for me and it is so striking to see the empty frames, she was fairly badass, bit like Peggy Guggenheim.. I hope they get them all back one day.

The fecking Franklin Mint! I’d see the ads and be oddly drawn to their sparkly tat... I’d buy 10 and wear them chateleine style!

Will do!


The Welsh in me cwtches you for this..

Is around here..

I chatted to him for a while on a dating website...

Yep, Duke of Westminster (and now his son) was worth more..

Had the same experience this summer... wtf is up with recruitment at the moment? Truly shocking on the basics and follow up... you will find something befitting that sharp mind, keep the faith!

Mortal is single?! Hook me up...