Conatus Creative

And I appreciated the fact that your team addressed that on the Kickstarter page which prompted me to back it directly and not wait for full funding. Seriously - best of luck, this has been a longtime dream for fans of the original game(s)!

We really do plan on releasing on as many consoles as possible, but our hands are slightly tied for the fact that new platforms = new license fees. We chose Windows first because of the larger install base. The idea being, if it sells well (i.e. Steam) we can self-fund the console ports. So, backing us means we have a

Aesthetically, River City Ransom Underground appears to be on the right path. My only concern is that the developers end up making one (or both) of the two rookie mistakes that have plagued nearly every Western-made "retro" beat-em-up.

This looks extremely well animated ! Good job guys.