Lana del ¿Qué?

I like this comment. However I really do wish porn and sex work could disappear, which will never happen in a safe way (yes, everyone, I know this was the portent thinking to bring about the “Handmaid’s Tale” situation), while you tolerate grape soda existing as long as you don’t have to make it or drink it.

For the life of me cannot understand the “No Tears Left To Cry” drags. It’s a London club bop with gorgeous ‘90s diva vocals and the message is literally that you have cried yourself out and now need to pick yourself up and feel happiness again. I’m so glad it exists.

Yeah, you got all slut-shamey real fast, after an initially interesting comment. You can’t truly be compassionate if you think of someone as disgusting.

I love her so much (going on 20 years now), and I am LIVING for her natural makeup look, but this new album is le garbage.

Aw I love this comment and the concept of getting ‘touched out’ - you’re right, it’s impossible now. What’s funny to me is that I balked at getting hugged as a kid myself - I tolerated it to a certain extent. No I’m fucking Olaf, just a bottomless hug pit.

At this point, after doing mental gymnastics with myself on this website for 6 years, I just prefer to be honest and say as a feminist, I’m against porn and sex work because 99% of it dehumanises/commodifies/endangers women and girls, whilst I will simultaneously fight for the rights of sex workers till the day I

Dayum that sounds militant :)

Very true. Everyone has baby photos of them being held by their dank shirtless tío <3

Hmm. I guess some people are just generally not comfortable with skin-to-skin in general? I was kind of like that before I was a parent - I also didn’t like hugs. Now I feel like I’m deficient in every single vitamin and mineral if I don’t touch cheeks with my kid and squeeze him once a day. He is a total physical

Also it feels good <3

Many or most younger dads generally shirtless around the house. Also, babies LOVE skin-to-skin contact.

I’m the opposite - I found Eureka incredibly grating on S9 and now she’s grown on me in S10. Although I kind of wish she could be BJ all the time.

LOLZ my trainer cheerfully told me “you look like a little tomato!” and I’m like...stop tomato-shaming me bitch

I wish I looked like that leaving the gym. Extra points for her being so fair and somehow not looking all blotchy like I do.

How dare you steal my yearbook quote!

This feels like a poll that needs to happen <3 or maybe I’m the only one into dank morning sex?

I just saw him in the Peter Rabbit movie and was awed by him doing classic physical comedy! Bill Weasley ftw

This look + weak chin must be a serious panty dropper for the 53%. It’s like their version of our unshaved Idris Elba with morning wood

My faves #1 Chris is his bearded dad turn in “A Wrinkle In Time”

This is the cutest thing I’ve read in hours.