Lana del ¿Qué?

LOL that is such a classic frustrated butthurt dude move. 99% of women in his situation would be all like “Sorry about that”, or if they’re one of the many people who can’t apologise (which is another workplace thing I find hilarious), at least muster a “Thanks for clearing that up.”

They only get the “PMPE” treatment if they’re being assholes about it. If someone is just being a basic confused flake (but nice about it) I am nice :)

OK, I agree that there is an element of deliciousness when you’re like “I knooow I told this dipshit before...just let me look at my Sent folder...” :)

Yikes, you’re right. An incel with a female boss no less.

“Visceral” can mean “dealing with crude or elemental emotions”, “deep-rooted”, etc. It was used correctly. Also why are you coming after people?

Seriously, are you me? Have I finally lost it as a result of the condescending office bros and am I speaking to myself on a burner account I made?

I truly feel less alone now. :)

It sounds like you didn’t have managers who told you a variant of “these higher ups are just really busy so we need to make it as easy for them as possible!”

Yes. They do.

Oh my god. Her response really is absolutely perfect.

She also completely elevates meh movies, which is so rare - like “In Her Shoes” and the Drew Barrymore My BFFs Got Cancer once (sorry can’t remember title).

You know what’s weird for me? The fact that she’s lying down in that bus photo, in a slip dress. I have never seen a promo photo of a sex & love columnist/expert that isn’t pretty much professional/conservative looking. It always takes me out of the show!

I know - why can’t we just have a slick, completely unrealistic heist movie? There’s an ‘expert jeweler’ character. Nothing about this is supposed to be relatable, and that’s fine.

He’s really not. Compounded by the fact that ‘abandoned his first family’ makes any dude seem about as appealing as Steve Bannon.

Yup. About as nuanced as JC Chasez’s seminal ‘Some Girls Dance With Women’

CONGRATULATIONS <3 I didn’t realise you were on mat leave!

This makes me so goddamn angry!

Rap Monster is my fave FOR SURE <3

Can someone please, please tell me what their boy band personas are, L-R? It’s a tough Tuesday and I really need to know <3

...who? What?