Lana del ¿Qué?

He’s on TMZ and Drunken Stepfather all day long.

All of this. Thankfully there didn’t seem to be much of it, but I do remember the ‘oh, she had to have known’ comments about Georgina when this thing blew up.

Aquaria is my FAVOURITE are you kidding me. Her runway is everything and she is adorably weird as a boy. Aquaria is what a fun Violet Chachki would be.

Have you ever tried spinach artichoke dip pasta? It’s perfect way to legitimise eating it on a weekday and way too much of it!

This. Trump probably visits more gossip sites on a daily basis than I do.

HAHA he does look like a watered-down Cucu. I unabashedly love, LOVE Ariana and this is the first time I haven’t liked something of hers?

1. The mini-challenge was maybe the highlight of the season so far

Right? If you stare too long at those photos “I Never Met A Girl Like You Before” starts playing

Yeah - to circumvent the “men are trash” narrative (which to be honest is thundering in my head 24/7) I tell him “I know you will never do these things, and I know that if you see other guys doing these things, even if they’re your friends, you’ll tell them not to.” I always try to end on a positive, constructive

Keep at it mama <3

This whole ensemble (including Thought To Be A Make-Up Artist with her metallic pants and bangs/knots) screams mid-90s and I am so here for it all

I would really recommend reading the whole article, not just the headline.

Just think of how many Here’s Agneses we’ve been given - Carol and a handful of others are outliers.

You are going to rock it. So glad you have your boy.

You missed the ‘mothers’ in there too, it should be ‘parents’ - but today I wanted to speak specifically to the mothers of boys.

Solid advice as well.

That’s a good rule to have!

Nobody ever gives a shit about the women loners.

Just keep at it - bring them into our horrible world as wisely as you possibly can for their age/cognitive level, with reassuring hugs afterwards. They need to know.

Great writing.