
We get 3 hours vacation per pay period. In three years I’ve maxed out every hour because between needing to take a day off here or there, weddings, funerals that aren’t family related and thus not covered by sick time, taking a half day for shit I need to get done, and you know *actual vacations*, I can’t accumulate

Hero of the day!!!! LOL!

Oooo, I need help!

Did the world decide that “mileage” is now spelled “millage” and I just didn’t get the memo?

Oakland, California.

35th percentile in SF Bay Area.

What about when the complainer is an office buddy? My admin assistant is pregnant and miserable - she corners me in my cube several times a day to complain about her life, other people in the office, you name it. Today it was how incensed she is that she has to use sick time for the baby and can’t believe she won’t

I had lived by this rule, I would not have been able to own any of my last 5 vehicles. This is not how the world I live in works.

Had a feeling there was going to be a Vehicross in here. Jason, thank you for encouraging me to buy mine. I love it to death and it gets attention everywhere it goes. Also very fun on flooded roads... and has a great and involved Facebook support group!

I live in Oakland, which dishes out some cray cray as California driving goes. I have seen:
-A group of guys jump out of a car on East 14th and absolutely clobber a guy on a bike. Called 911 and kept driving.
-A lady who was probably 35 but looked closer to 60 sitting in the middle of a busy street, looking down at her

When I was four, I thought I was a cat. So I would eat cat food out of the cat food bowl. The same one that not only the cat ate out of, but the raccoons used their grimy paws to steal from at night.

This test, due to my high conscientiousness, appears to think I am likely to be religious, highly community oriented and politically conservative.

Your kid actually remembers that there is a snack drawer? No matter what I prep or how many times I repeat myself, my stepkids still wander aimlessly into the kitchen every day, stare at the wall and say “What do we have to eat”, as if they do not recall that we have cupboards and a refrigerator. 

Twitter is still the best source for information on local emergencies, issues, and the myriad other things the news doesn’t cover. I suppose if it’s a true problem, then like any other addiction abstinence works for many, but for those of us who don’t suffer from Twitter addiction is it actually quite useful.

Wanna talk about the new Isuzu Vehicross I just bought??? I need help!

NOBODY wants to talk about the intricacies of forest management and its relationship to climate change. I live in a very liberal area where cutting trees = always bad even it means your neighborhood is less likely to burn to the ground. Everyone assumes all forests are equal in the face of CC, and they’re just not.

My hometown on the West Coast is apparently so cold that NYT didn’t even include it in the tool. Apparently the Bay Area is exempt from rising temperatures.

I have some form of PTSD from an IUD implantation gone very, very wrong (think the worst pain you’ve ever felt and then times it by a hundred, followed by a month of cramps and bleeding). I haven’t been able to go back into that cursed room. I think it’s been 8 years. I’m 38, never had an abnormal, not having kids,

Two perfectly normal days in California, two days that CalTrans didn’t bother to signal or do any notification that an entire freeway was closed. No notification on Maps.

I live in a coastal California city where you basically live in dripping fog all summer and rain all winter. Wooden things like decks and porches have a perpetual coating of greenish slime. Well, one damp night, my idiot cat decided it would be a great idea to hang out on the unlit deck. Half an hour later I had