Honestly I don't think anyone did anything wrong. But everyone else is ready to kill Miley so.
Honestly I don't think anyone did anything wrong. But everyone else is ready to kill Miley so.
Exactly. Thank you.
You cannot defend a woman's right to do what she wants and then suddenly demote her to the position of a defenceless young girl when she does stupid shit. Part of being a woman is being allowed to do idiotic things without someone thinking you've been forced into it.
Binalakshmi Nepram, a women's rights and anti-violence campaigner, tells the Independent that a woman in India is raped every 20 minutes and that the incidence of gang-rape is increasing.
But what was she wearing?
Also, I am fairly sure that it was Perez Hilton who came up with the name (why do I know this? I don't even care about Robert Pattinson!). Perez Hilton who was, rather famously, overweight at the time he dubbed him R-Patz and has, rather famously, lost a bunch of weight. Calling him "fat" isn't so much a "sick burn"…
Twilight fandom hasn't really transferred into other roles.
Cosmopolis: Averaged less than $1k per day per theater after one week in release.
It makes sense that his fan base of 12-year olds wasn't rushing to see an R-rated David Cronenberg movie about a currency trader that included a scene of him getting a prostate…
I'm no supermodel and usually I would take offense at "fat" being used as a general insult. But I do believe in giving a free pass to the man who has had to deal with being called "R-Patz" to use it on whoever coined that term.
Trapped in a closet is a cinematic gem. I believe it began on the radio—a musical soap opera. Fans liked it so much that it became a film.
Well, yes, but Jezebel isn't Jezebel without the OUTRAGE. And righteous indignation.
Er, he didn't call the fans fat. He wasn't nice about them but let's not put words in his mouth when you know fat shaming makes people see red. He just basically called them tools.
This is driving me fucking crazy. m You know that Manning was exposed to "Cruel and inhuman treatment" before her trial, right? http://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/mar… You know that she has received what many, many people consider an unduly harsh sentence, right?
I guess I'm missing something (because why research I guess), but why now? I believe this could be and is a legitimate situation and I believe she deserves to be safe (as any prisoner is supposed to be), but I'm wondering if she had pursued all this before her conviction? Like it doesn't sound like she was (though she…
The tone of this article and the majority of the comments leads me to believe people are grossly misinformed about the state of the disciplinary barracks at Leavenworth in comparison to privatized federal prisons. Manning will most likely go to the SHU, or Special Housing Unit, of Leavenworth. Prison is not fun and…
Having Gender Dysphoria is not the same thing as being transgender.
Because it is not just the super unhealthy that get abused, not that any size should, BUT i'm a size 16, i work out twice a week, don't smoke or eat meat.... Yet it is assumed i'm unhealthy because i'm fat. I've had an OBGYN insult my stretchmarks, just yesterday I was called a pig by a stranger for daring to eat…
Oh! I just had a post come up on Tumblr today that goes into this and cites studies. Here you go.
Fat is not acceptable all of a sudden (I think if you ask any fat person, particularly anyone who falls in the so-called "morbidly obese" part of the size spectrum, whether or not they feel like their body is widely accepted by society as acceptable, you'll find they don't think it is). But regarding your questions…
I have a question, and I ask it out of respect - also please take into account that I grew up with a doctor for a mother, who constantly saw overweight people dying of diseases and needed to change their lifestyles and lose the weight to save years of their lives:
Just no. Bragging about or being "proud of" being thin is like bragging about being white or rich or being able-bodied or any other privilege. STFU forever or I will grab you by your bony clavicle and shove one thousand cakes down your sanctimonious maw.