
Usually weight-related articles feature the 1000 highly qualified Dr. Phils who come on here telling everyone why OMG FATTYPANTS UR WEIGHT IS UNHEALTHY! I am amused that it's now the reverse Dr. Phils telling us all why someone's choice of weight loss is unhealthy. Why can't people learn to butt out of other people's

Thank God you posted the original link, I meet every individual one of these qualifications and I am going to rock this man's life.

Boom! You are awesome.

Since you've all covered the unrelenting rage I feel at this, let me just focus on the truly not at all important stuff.

Guess what? No, guess what? No guess.

omg what are y'all doing here omg i just can't COMBO-BREAKER

Great catch.

Thanks for the link on this - I found some info I didn't know about. <3

Yeah, my favorite is how every Lindy West article turns into a million fucking hyper concerned Dr. Oz's coming on here trying to help everybody out, intersected with people listing their weight and calorie consumption and BMI like anyone really gives a shit.


THIS. Right? And what kills me is this - as a lady who's been on a good bit of dates, I've been on both the "never called again" and "never been called again" sides of the stick. After a certain age and amount of experience, it's never occurred to me to call up or press a date who flaked, didn't seem interested about

i'm down to read it.

I hope the jesus people are right and there are dragons. If there aren't really dragons my middle school, flea-market-sword-collecting-boyfriend might have to get a retail job instead of just being a techno shaman!

I live in Baltimore and I can tell you with some confidence that as much trouble as our city's in these days, they shoulda sold that mofo to Avon Barksdale for public funds cash.

This lady is a badass. Thank you!

This thread has me crying. I MEAN THE LAFF TEARZ NOT THE GRAVY TEARS

another former bulimic, checking in. i think you're right on the money here.

All your comments have me crying laughing. Please tell me you have your own show.

Well said. I think there's something to be said from dangling yourself out into the public forum with middle fingers blazing. I think in a way it can be part of recovery for some of us (including me). But I think these are good points and I +1 on what kkfs said. And what you're saying.

brb, gonna pack up then roll my massive heft down the driveway