Barely Dry Humour

It’s stupid hard to set boundaries on presents for kids with grandparents, and it’s not always successful. I’ve said no to presents for my son (he’s little enough that I can get away with this still) based on size and storability because we live in an apartment. Number one tool though for de clutter is toy and

I think she will be okay if she goes the Emma Thompson route, which is not giving a single fucking fuck and living her best life. 

I love my roomba. I call it Betsy Davos because she’s expensive and doesn’t really fulfill her function, but she gets the small crumbs my small child throws on the floor every meal.

Let those who’ve never served a kid cut-up hot dogs in a bowl of boxed macaroni and cheese cast the first stone

I legit did serve that at my wedding. People still talk about it.

This Garbage Fire is getting to be out of control.

Republican sentiment is clearly that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, let alone participate in politics. They’d use Turn Back Time as their anthem, but they’d probably be sued or told to cease and desist.

Or #massholes for quotability?

I love everything about this.

I have so many friends in similar financial situations.

My father launched into a spiel about this over Christmas in front of myself, my (youngest) sister, and my mother. My barely 20 something sister told him to drop dead.

I was marching in Toronto with 60,000 others! It was an amazing experience.

Only if I could wallow in self hatred and marshmallow spread after.

Which Canada offers.

I suggested something similar for our bedroom, and my husband vetoed it so fast.

Shhhhh. We don’t talk about him/that.

I have so many memories of Folly Beach/Island, and I love that this cool piece of history was discovered after that bloody storm.

Aww, Librarian love #solidarity

But wait! This means our Education system is failing us and our kids! We don’t know how to think!

Second, Obamacare. The failed healthcare law is hurting millions of Americans. If Republicans hold Congress, leadership has committed to passing legislation repealing Obamacare. Clinton, we know beyond a shadow of doubt, would veto that legislation. Trump has said he would sign it.