Rania Youssef’s Risque Dress

This was probably them backpedaling after giving Ursula to Melissa McCarthy when there should never have been any debate as to whether it should go to Lizzo. 

Firstly, this shoe is definitely NOT okay. Secondly, why the fuck does every single item of clothing and footwear this woman owns looks like a torture device? She looks perennially uncomfortable. There must be a lot of wincing going on behind all the botox.

And we are also blaming her for producing fucking abysmal designs.

Oh my DAYS you’ve taken some stunning shots (apologies for the radio silence, I’ve not logged on in a couple of weeks so I’m sorting through my backlog of notifications). I could (and do) spend hours upon hours in the garden with a macro. You must be having an absolute ball!

For real. “Hey, this person is a psychopath but they’re “hot” and “cute” so it’s okay!” I mean, really?

Enough with Cardi Bigot already, for fuck’s sake. She’s a one shit trick pony, so it’s not like it’s even about the music. Please dismiss her for good.

I came here to say the exact same damn thing are you reading my mind? Also, that track is pretty good.

It’s been everywhere here (Australia) for the past six months and every time I hear it I contemplate removing my eardrums with a coat hanger.

Pleasure! I look forward to following your adventures! 

Oh my heart. This is such a beautiful photo! I’m honestly tearing up, it’s just so special. You definitely have a natural affinity for portraiture. I want to hug both you and your grandma! I love older people (my parents worked insane hours when I was a wee lass so I was raised by my darling grandparents for the first

And so you should be! I’m not proud of most of my work either, and a vast portion of it is basura caliente but I keep on persevering with it. It’s so much fun. I think that when it comes to commercial photography a lot of it is done in post which is not only arguably lazy but it also takes the magic out of setting up

Ah a UV filter, not gels. Yes, that’s definitely more of a priority if you’re shooting outdoors. When I hear “filter” I automatically think of stuff that people at camera stores will try to convince you need when you don’t. One huge advantage of doing such insanely thorough feedback is that in the absence of being

You bet, sister. I have some particularly delicious homemade organic wine courtesy of my dad’s BFF too. It is deceptively potent (20% ABV) and just so damn quaffable, so make sure you’re not driving.

Aight, so. Full disclosure: I’m a huge camera snob and up until recently only ever had Leica SLRs (shoot film, stay poor baby!) but I got myself the new Lumix S1R, which is possibly the best digital camera available right now (bonus: it has an L-mount so it’s compatible with Leica lenses, meaning I don’t have to fork

I’m replying as we speak! But the tl:dr version is you’ve done your research and know your shit/what you want which is the best absolute best place to start.

Now playing

Dessa is DOPE. Here’s another one of my faves, my Palestinian sister Shadia Mansour. Even if you don’t speak Arabic you can appreciate her skills (I think so, anyway!)

Bless you my darling! I honestly cannot thank you enough for your kind words and thoughts. My dad is out of the hospital and mentally back to his old self THANK FUCK. They’re removing the useless kidney (I’m done thinking about how the past 17 months have been a waking nightmare of disaster after disaster) and putting

He’s a good mog. I say that as someone still firmly in the anti-feline camp. There will always be exceptions.

Homemade vegan flakey pastry (though any preferred pastry can be substituted, if you can’t be fucked making your own and if you’re not vegan there are several really good butter puff and shortcrust commercially available these days), chopped mixed mushrooms (swiss brown, portobello, shiitake, whatever the organic

Likewise! We love a rotund fur friend.