Rania Youssef’s Risque Dress

He does that! When I bend down to return his greeting he lifts his head up, blinks at me slowly and then closes his eyes and headbutts me some more. One of my best mates who lives on my street and has two ragdolls that Beefcake (that’s what we call him on account of him being a right fat bastard) loves to holler at is

Bottom right. THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?

Well this is fucking awful. Big, big hugs to you. You’re not a failure at all, he clearly has issues he needs to sort out. His handling of the situation was cowardly and childish and you don’t deserve that. I hope you’ve got some amazing friends to help you nurse that heart of yours, and may you find someone

THREADJACK! Do you have a budget for your new toy? I can talk cameras and lenses till the cows (cats?) come home.

That is a look of murderous intent if ever I’ve seen one. And that is a magnificent coat! He looks like a plushie. A plushie that will claw your eyes out, but a plushie nonetheless.

Yeah, I actually hate the damn word (see also: triggered, woke, anything ending in -phobia, and no, I’m not joking) and hate myself for using it. 

This made me snort-laugh very loudly. My parents both used to parade around nude which was great when teaching me about anatomy and body positivity and no-nonsense sex education. Though there was one incident in particular my dad will never forget (and thank fuck I was too young to remember): one day when crawling was

A piece of mushroom pie while thinking about what to make for dinner. Leaning towards arnabeet mekli (crispy cauliflower with caramelised onions, toasted almonds and taratour) and a big bowl on spinach drenched in garlic and lemon.

As someone who doesn’t care for most mock meat, I do like these! I had some earlier in the week as part of a German inspired winter comfort meal of smokey pea soup and schwartzbrot liberally slathered in vegan cultured butter. Delicious! Have you tried Linda McCartney veg sausages? They’re really good too.

And a premature happy halfway to three score and ten to you! No matter how you spend it, I hope you enjoy yourself. I avoid telling anyone when my birthday is because I don’t like it when people fuss and now that I’m an adult I don’t see the point in celebrating it beyond spending it with my dad, who is the only

I feel you, sis. I think the greys now outweigh the active approved posters here. As soon as someone who is approved stars one of my comments I approve all the replies I get, even if they disagree with me, because I’m here to have a discussion, not yell into an echo chamber. I’ve given up on ever becoming approved but

Outstanding work! Your good boy is too cute for words, we need more dog pictures here to balance the proliferation of cat snaps. This week I completed my first major project since being appointed creative director. It’s been a month of very, very long days covered in paint, glue and sawdust and nights spent screeching

You actually named your cat Chonk? I am fucking wheezing. OH LAWD HE COMIN’.

It’s great that he has been adopted by people who can actually care for him in a way that suits his disposition. With The Goblin, we suspect he was very badly abused by his previous owners. He isn’t aggressive, he is straight up petrified of people, hence the perpetual reclusiveness. It makes me equal parts angry and

Yeah, she actually has discernible musical talent.

Sending you all the good vibes for a hasty recovery! When I was a teenager I used to get absolutely horrendous tonsillitis and sinusitis and something that always expedited the healing process was tiger balm on my cheeks and temples when lying down with my eyes closed (that shit burns like a motherfucker so whatever

Bruce is such a great name for a cat. I love monosyllabic human names for pets.

All your fur friends look like they have an affinity for you! I’m hardly an expert on feline behaviour but if they weren’t happy to be in your company wouldn’t they make it explicitly obvious? Some very good friends of mine who are both tenured cat people adopted a rescue they’ve named The Goblin. The Goblin despises

Might I add that your username is most excellent, so much so that I’m audibly chuckling.

Indeed, all animals deserve love and kindness. Getting a pet only to abandon it after deciding you can’t be fucked caring for it is just so cruel.