The Real Slim Shiite

Praepitcha Smatsorabudh is the grifter and thief that we need and deserve.

I’m gonna count this as a positive Kings article. Thank you baby Jesus and Harambe.

I haven’t seen a feud this obscure since Lebron and that random terrible guy on the Wizards whose name I’ve already forgotten.

.... haven’t pulled this one out in a while, but; Dear Mr. Lasner and Dear Husband of Mr. Lasner,

This would get a lot more views if the headline read ‘cheerleader goes down on cousins’

If you having girl tripping problems I understand son, cuz 99 just late hit me straight into one.

Agreed. Leave it to 2016 for the best thing of year to happen in Detroit.

This isn’t so bad by Oklahoma standards.

He got concussed while scrambling for a 3-9 team, that was down 24-3, on a play that didn’t even count.

I have gotten to the point where I withhold judgement immediately on these from being burned many times both ways. Thought Duke case was a slam dunk they were guilty and was wrong, thought Bill Cosby was innocent (years back when it was just one allegation and lots of people defending) and was wrong. Been right a few

What a pathetic hill to die on. If they boycotted because a rapist(s) went unpunished, that would be awesome. I’d even happily accept boycotting a game because they don’t get paid. But to boycott in support of rapists?

2016 won’t let us keep anything nice.

One is a pinnacle of artistic achievement in my opinion; the other is a movie where Buster Keaton did a really intricate stunt.

Some people just REALLY want to get out of Detroit.

Filed to: Woke Forest

Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like Wake Forest should get a spot in the BCS Playoffs, just on the off chance that they would have been undefeated without this meddling radio announcer.

How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.

They churn one out whenever Vin starts looking at the jobs classifieds and realizes he has no marketable skills.

Off topic, but I’m at a Sixers game a few weeks ago. There were about 15,000 there to see them play the Hawks, probably based on a combination of Embiid fans, and the fact that people who bought packages to see the Cavs/Warriors/Thunder were forced into including the game in their package. Time comes for the national